RAC Bulletin 130413
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 13, 2013
This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin
1. Field Organization on Twitter
To help to improve communications to our ARES members, the RAC Field
Organization is taking advantage of Twitter. Watch us at
"RACARES@ares_rac" for appointment updates and other ARES news.
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM/VO1DM, RAC Chief Field Services Officer
2. CANWARN Training April 25 and May 1-4
CANWARN training will be offered at the following locations:
Wingham, April 25, 1 PM, at North Huron Wescast Community Complex,
Hot Stove Lounge, 99 Kerr Drive.
Exeter, April 25, 7 PM, at the Exeter Firehall, 55 William Street.
Kitchener, May 1, 7 PM, at Bingemans Conference Centre, 425 Bingemans
Centre Drive.
Toronto, May 4, 9 AM, at Environment Canada Headquarters, 4905
Dufferin St.
Please RSVP by email to canwarn.ontario (at) ec.gc.ca with the
session you plan on attending.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. CW Operators Special Event
From May 1 to May 31, special event call signs VX2X and XM3X have
been authorized to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the First
Class CW Operators Club. QSL via VE3HX.
-- RAC Special Events Database
4. George Hart W1NJM Silent Key
George Hart, W1NJM passed away Sunday, March 24. He was 99. An ARRL
Charter Life Member, Hart spent more than four decades as a member of
the ARRL Headquarters staff. In 1984, he was named an ARRL Honorary
Vice President.
Hart may be best known to Canadians for his development of the
National Traffic System (NTS) in 1949. He was inducted into the CQ
Hall of Fame in 2010 for his contributions to the NTS, and since 2009
the ARRL has awarded the George Hart Distinguished Service Award
annually for exemplary service to the ARRL Field Organization.
-- ARRL Web
5. Hammond Mfg. to Take Over Peter Dahl Transformer Line
Hammond Manufacturing of Guelph, Ontario and Cheektowaga, New York,
is the new manufacturer of the Peter Dahl line of transformers.
Since Dahl's death several years ago, Peter Dahl transformers have
been manufactured by Harbach Electronics. Harbach announced early
this year that they would stop making the transformers, and has
entered into an agreement for Hammond to acquire the product line.
The deal was to be completed by March 31.
-- CQ News Service