RAC Bulletin 130601
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 1, 2013
1. TPN Seeks Net Controllers
The Trans-Provincial Net is seeking net controllers. TPN meets daily
on 7.055 MHz, lower sideband, from 7 am to 5 pm Eastern Time. If you
can help by taking a regular shift, please contact Shawn VE3PSV, on
the TPN, or via NTS message.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV
2. Ontario-South Field Day Section Manager Message Traffic.
Field Day digital Radiogram message traffic destined for
Ontario-South SM Ian Snow VA3QT may be addressed to "va3qt at winlink
dot org". Voice/CW messages should be sent to the IC address
(telephone 705-302-4321), or via the Barrie ARC club station VE3GCB
during the event.
-- Ian Snow, VA3QT
3. XL3S Special Event
From June 15 to July 15, special call sign XL3S will commemorate the
200th Anniversary of Laura Secord's role in the War of 1812. Special
operation on June 22, from 1300 to 1800 UTC, from the actual trail
Laura Secord used. For more information search XL3S on qrz.com
-- RAC Special Events Database
4. Weather Net Changes
As of Saturday May 18th the Weather Net will be referred to as the
Weather Radio Net, emphasizing that it is a place to discuss weather
radio as well as weather. It conitnues to meet at 7:00 PM Saturdays
on IRLP reflector 9038 and on Echolink node VE3ZHR-L 591897.
Also, the newsletter has reverted to the original name, the Weather
Radio Listeners Newsletter, and is now distributed independently.
To subscribe, please contact Gord VA3WXA by email, blindgordie (at)
-- Gord Maybee VA3WXA
5. Yellowknife ARISS Contact
A succesful International Space Station school contact was conducted
between participants at Yellowknife R.C.M.P. Headquarters, and
Expedition 34 Commander Chris Hadfield, on May 12 at approximataely
17:55 UTC. The contact was via telebridge between NA1SS and K6DUE,
and lasted about 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
-- AMSAT News
6. Heathkit is back with a survey
Heathkit, it seems, is not quite dead. There is a new "Spring 2013
Customer Survey" on their website at www.heathkit.com/survey. Be
warned -- it's a fairly long survey, asking a lot of questions about
possible new products, including amateur radio products. It also
offers the opportunity to sign up for email updates.
When Heathkit's owners declared bankruptcy in 2012, the Heathkit
name, logo, and rights to previous equipment designs were put up for
auction. It is not currently known who acquired them.
-- Southgate ARC News and CQ News Service