RAC Bulletin 130615
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 15, 2013
This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin
1. Canada Day Contest
The RAC Canada Day Contest is July 1, from 0000 to 2359 UTC.
Operation is CW and phone on 160, 80,40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 metres.
Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or territory; VE0s and
stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial number. For complete
rules visit www.rac.ca/en/rac/programmes/contests/
-- RAC web page
2. Scouts National Jamboree
From July 5 to July 13, Scouts Canada will be holding a National
Jamboree at Camp Woods Sylvan Lake near Red Deer, Alberta. We will
have an Amateur Radio station and will be using the call signs of
VE6JAM and VA6JAM. The Jamboree will operate HF on the JOTA
Frequencies, plus VHF/UHF and PSK31, and plan on contacting the
International Space Station.
JOTA Phone frequencies are 50.160, 28.390, 24.960, 21.360, 18.140,
14.290, 7.090, 7.190, 3.690, and 3.940 MHz.
-- Ralph Jenkins. VE3RJE
3. Laurentian Net seeks net controllers
The Laurentian Net is looking for additional Net Control Operators.
This is an information and traffic handling net that meets at 18:45
Eastern Time, seven days a week, on 3.755 MHz. If you would like to
help, please contact Shawn VE3PSV on the net, or via NTS message.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV
4. Special Event Stations
From July 1 to July 31, special event callsign CF2I will commemorate
the 250th Anniversary of Formalized Postal Service in Canada (1763-2013)
QSL via VA2BK.
From July 4 to August 3, special event callsign CF3X will commemorate
the 70th Anniversary of Operation "Husky", the Canadian Military
liberation of Sicily. QSL via VA3JPP.
-- RAC Special Events Database
5. Contest University Videos
Dayton Contest University Videos Available on YouTube
Several videos of Contest University 2013 sessions from the 2013
Dayton Hamvention now are available on YouTube. You can find them by
visiting www.youtube.com and then searching for "CTU Segment". They
have been posted by Icom America, a CTU sponsor.
-- ARRL Web
6. SSB Using a Raspberry Pi
Guido Pen Dolle, PE1NNZ, has released the code to enable the
Raspberry Pi computer board to generate SSB on the 7 and 14 MHz
bands. The code generates SSB modulation by controlling the PLL on
the Raspberry Pi board. For the highly-technical details, visit
-- Amateur Radio Newsline