RAC Bulletin 130810
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 10, 2013
This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin
1. Junk In The Trunk Event
The 5th Annual Junk-in-the-Trunk swapmeet will be held on Saturday,
August 24th, in the parking lot of the Newmarket Theatre, 505
Pickering Crescent, in Newmarket. Free admission for buyers. Open at
7:30 am; talk-in on 146.520 simplex or the 147.225 repeater. For more
information see the RAC Events page, rac.eton.ca/events/upcoming.php
-- RAC Events Database
2. Hamspots web page
Ever wonder what's going on with all those new digital modes? Check
out www.hamspots.net -- you can find a listing of current activity on
a particular band, who is currently active on the various digital
modes, and activity by digital club members. If you are logged in,
you can also chat between club members to coordinate on air
activity. Its sponsored by VK3AMA and is a great step up from a DX
cluster raw feed.
-- via Paul Caccamo, VA3PC, Ontario North Bulletin Manager
3. MACS Net Time Change
The Michigan Amateur Communications System (MACS) is seeking new
participants to learn traffic handling. As of August 1st the net
meets daily at 1000 Eastern Time on 3.952 MHz, with an alternate
frequency of 7.232 MHz. The net begins with member comments,
followed by traffic handling. Net Manager Mike Horn WB8TQZ says
"Rest assured that we've got time to take the time to break in new
operators." Give traffic handling a try!
-- ARRL ARES E-Letter, 15 jul 2013
4. Field Day Logs Received
The ARRL Contest Branch has posted a list of all logs received from
participants in the 2013 ARRL Field Day. You can get this list as a
PDF file, at tinyurl.com/2013-fd-logs It includes logs sent via the
web applet, e-mail and hard copy summaries. Some logs were
designated "checklog" because the entry was missing information --
contact the ARRL Contest Branch Manager, Mike DeChristopher, N1TA, to
have your entry reclassified properly.
Because of an e-mail issue at ARRL Headquarters in early July, some
e-mail submissions may not have been received. If your entry is
missing from the list, contact the Contest Branch to resolve this
-- ARRL Web
5. Antique Wireless Association Convention
The 52nd Antique Wireless Association World Convention August 20-24
in Rochester, New York, will have a dual theme -- the grand opening
of the new AWA Museum (on August 20), and Heathkit history and
equipment -- the keynote speaker will be Dick Goslee, K2GI, the
former manager of the Rochester Heathkit store. The annual event --
essentially the "Dayton" of the vintage radio collecting community --
includes a huge flea market, an expanded old equipment contest,
forums and presentations, a banquet, and special event station W2AN.
For more information visit www.antiquewireless.org
-- ARRL Web
6. "MM" Applications Released for Open-Source Development
Mako Mori, JE3HHT, the author of MMTTY, MMVARI and MMSSTV, has
released these programs to open-source development under the LGPL
license. This license enables developers and companies to use and
integrate these programs, while ensuring that all improvements to
source code are made publicly available. MM-Open has been established
to facilitate this development; find it on-line at www.mm-open.org
-- ARRL Web