RAC Bulletin 131228
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 28, 2013
1. TPN Net Controllers Needed
The Trans-Provincial Net is seeking net controllers. TPN meets daily
on 7.055 MHz, lower sideband, from 7 am to 5 pm Eastern Time. If you
can help by taking a regular shift, please check into TPN and speak
with a net control station, or contact Shawn VE3PSV via NTS message.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV
2. OPN Net Controllers Needed
The Ontario Phone Net has an urgent need for net controllers. OPN is
a National Traffic System net, meeting on 3.745 MHz daily at 7 pm
Eastern Time, usually lasting less than 15 minutes. No previous
experience is required. If you can help by taking a single shift per
week, please contact Brad VE3RHJ on the OPN Mondays and Wednesdays,
or via email at ve3rhj (at) rac.ca
-- Brad Rodriguez VE3RHJ, OPN NCS
3. NTS Traffic for Carribean
We now have a viable link to the Carribean for third party traffic.
There is a daily net in operation on 7188 kHz with regular scheduled
liaisons to the region who are anxious to have traffic sent their
Any country in the Caribbean area with which we have a third party
agreement can now receive NTS traffic from North America. This
includes Guyana, and many hurricane-prone areas. Please note that it
is essential that the sender provide a phone number, because many
recipients in the Caribbean have only cell phones, which are not in
the telephone directory.
-- Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
4. New Certified EC
Congratulations are extended to Anzil Rock VE3HDR of London Ontario.
He's Canada's newest Certified Emergency Coordinator (CEC).
-- RAC ARES Twitter Feed
5. Voice of Russia to Continue Broadcasts
A correction to last week's bulletin: SWL Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL,
contacted VOR, and was informed that "the Voice of Russia will stay
on the air in 2014, however, considerable changes in our frequency
schedule are expected." The schedule through March 2014 can be found
at tinyurl.com/vor-schedule
-- ARRL Web