RAC Bulletin 2009-01-03
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 3, 2009
1. International Year of Astronomy
The official kickoff date for the International Year of Astronomy
(IYA) is January 10th. On that day many astronomy clubs across
Canada will participate in local astronomical activities, including
displays at Shopping Malls, talks in Public Libraries, and star
parties for the public.
Amateur Radio operators who are affiliated with the Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada are encouraged to visit IRLP node
9005, the Vancouver Reflector, on January 10th to join in the across
Canada IYA Net.
All Canadian amateurs are encouraged to use the commemorative IYA
callsign prefixes from January 1st through February 28th. To find out
more about these special prefixes and related projects visit
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. OPN Needs Your Assistance
The Ontario Phone Net (OPN) is appealing to the amateur population in
Ontario for assistance. We are now affiliated with the Second Region
Net (2RN) for our liaison to the National Traffic System. As such we
need operators to check into OPN and 2RN to carry traffic between the
two nets. Currently we have two operators shouldering this duty.
Ideally, I would like to have a different operator each day go to 2RN
at 1:45 pm local to pick up any traffic destined for OPN at 4 pm, and
return at 6:30 pm to 2RN with any outbound. In the spring, when the
OPN returns to its normal time of 7 pm, the outbound liaison will be
at 7:45 pm on CW.
If you, or perhaps someone you know, is interested in assisting us,
contact me via NTS message or to ve3gna at sympatico dot ca.
-- Glenn VE3GNA, Ontario STM, (acting) Net Manager
3. Science Museum to Evict Ham Radio
For over 35 years, amateur radio station WB2JSM has been part of New
York City's Hall of Science museum. Operating from the site of the
1964 World's Fair, the station was temporarily removed for building
renovations, and now is not being allowed back in the museum. Thomas
Tumino, N2YTF, president of the Hall of Science Amateur Radio Club,
is appealing the decision to the museum president. You can support
his efforts by signing the on-line petition at
www.tinyurl.com/hosarc (Hotel Oscar Sierra Alpha Romeo Charlie)
For more information visit the club web site, www.hosarc.org
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. HMY2K8 Homebrew Multiband Transceiver
VU2HMY has designed and built an 80-10 metre, 90 watt, CW and SSB
transceiver. You can read his description of the project at
www.tinyurl.com/9e6td9 (Nine Echo Six Tango Delta Nine).
The circuit diagram and description can be found as a PDF file at
www.tinyurl.com/996s3p (Nine Nine Six Sierra Three Papa)
Just the project to keep you occupied through the winter!
-- Handi-Ham News