RAC Bulletin 2009-01-10
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for January 10, 2009
1. Emergency Frequency for Costa Rica Earthquake
On Thursday, January 8 at 1921z, an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the
Richter scale struck the country of Costa Rica, with an epicenter
located about 22 miles northeast of San Jose.
The Radio Club de Costa Rica is monitoring local repeaters and 7090
kHz. IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Coordinator Cesar Pio
Santos, HR2P, requests that 7090 kHz be kept clear of non-essential
traffic due to possible emergency communications dealing with the
-- ARRL Bulletin Service
2. Canadian Ski Marathon 2009
The 36th Canadian Ski Marathon (CSM) is February 7 and 8. The event
runs from Lachute to Montebello to Gatineau, Quebec, and depends
on ham radio volunteers to provide important and timely safety and
logistical communication for the benefit of the skiers. The amateur
radio CSM web page, radio.admin2.ca, is up and running with 2009
information and assignments are already being filled. If you would
like to volunteer this year, please email Harold VA3UNK, radio1 at
admin2 dot ca. Although I can't promise anything, assignment
requests are generally first-come, first-served. Please help make
this our best year yet!
-- Harold, VA3UNK, via the RAC Bulletin Service
3. North American SSB QSO Party, January 17-18
The North American QSO Party, SSB, will take place the third full
weekend in January, from 1800Z January 17 to 0600Z January 18. The
objective is to work as many North American stations as possible
during the contest period, on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters,
using no more than 100 watts of power. Exchange operator name and
province. For details see www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
-- National Contest Journal
4. KP5 Desecheo DXpedition, February 12-26
A DXpedition is scheduled to Desecheo Island from February 12 to 26.
Desecheo is a small uninhabited island 14 miles off the western coast
of Puerto Rico, and is currently number 7 on DX Magazine's Most
Wanted list worldwide, the second most-wanted DXCC entity in Asia,
and third most-wanted in Europe. For information about the
expedition visit www.kp5.us
-- ARRL Web
5. Amateur Radio Scholarships Available
The non-profit Foundation for Amateur Radio (FAR) is now accepting
applications for 48 scholarships for the academic year 2009-2010 to
assist radio amateurs pursuing higher education. Some of these
scholarships are available to non-U.S. amateurs. Applications must be
received by May 1, 2009. For more information about eligibility and
applications, visit www.amateurradio-far.org
-- ARRL Web
6. W6ELprop Tutorial
If you are interested in trying the free W6ELprop propagation
prediction software, Carl K9LA has written a tutorial titled
"Downloading and Using W6ELprop." Find it at
-- ARRL Contest Update