RAC Bulletin 2009-03-07
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 7, 2009
1. Special Prefix for Ontario
From April 1 to April 30, all Ontario amateurs are authorized to use
special prefixes, in honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Lakehead
Amateur Radio Club. VA3 amateurs may use VB3, and VE3 amateurs may
use VC3.
-- RAC website
2. Special Prefix for Canada
From April 1 to May 31, all Canadian amateurs are authorized to use
special prefixes, in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of
the St. Lawrence Seaway. Use XL for VA, XM for VE, XN for VO, and XO
for VY.
-- RAC website
3. Ham-Ex 2009
The Peel and Mississauga Amateur Radio Clubs will hold the Ham-Ex
2009 hamfest on Saturday, March 28, at the Brampton Fair Grounds, at
Heart Lake Road and Old School Road in Brampton. Open to the public
at 9 a.m. Talk-in on VE3PRC repeater 146.880 (-) (no tone), and
VE3MIS repeater 145.430 (-) 103.5 Hz tone. For more information see
-- RAC Events Database
4. Morse Code Practice Website
AA9PW offers a web site where you can generate Morse code practice
audio. You can select character groups, random characters, live news
feeds, practice QSOs, and a practice FCC exam. The page produces an
audio file you can listen to with your web browser; and you can then
compare your copy to the actual text. Visit www.aa9pw.com/morsecode
-- Handi-Ham News
5. Field Day Station Locator 2009
The ARRL's Field Day Station Locator service is returning this year.
Introduced last year, this service provides an interactive map that
helps amateurs or those interested in Amateur Radio find a Field Day
site near them. The service is free but you will need to have an
ARRL member add your information. See it at tinyurl.com/5bkhzp
(Five Bravo Kilo Hotel Zulu Papa).
-- ARRL Web