RAC Bulletin 2009-03-14
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 14, 2009
1. Global Simulated Emergency Test
The date for the GlobalSET, sponsored by IARU Region 1, has been
altered to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day on April 18th. The
theme for the day of "Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and
Emergency Communication" is an ideal opportunity to showcase the work
of emergency communications groups around the world.
The timing of the event remains at 1100-1500 UTC but in a change for
this and future events, the focus will be on generating and relaying
messages in a common format across country borders rather than the
information gathering about capabilities which has taken place in the
More information will be posted on www.iaru-r1.org and
www.raynet-hf.net as it becomes available.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Rare South African prefix
Look for eight South African radio amateurs to operate as ZT2V in the
CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th). This will be one of the rare
times the ZT prefix has been used, and the first time South Africa's
East Cape Province (ZS2) has had a team operation entry in a major
-- Ham Radio Daily
3. Satellite Parts are Falling
In February the Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 communications satellites
collided over northern Siberia. Space Weather News reports that the
first cataloged fragments of Cosmos 2251 are about to reenter Earth's
atmosphere. According to US Strategic Command tracking data,
reentries will occur on March 12th, 28th and 30th, followed by more
in April. Visit www.spaceweather.com for more information.
-- Handi-Ham News
4. German AMTOR Frequency Change
On Marth 29th, the DA5TOR AMTOR mailbox in Germany will change its 40
metre access frequencies, to comply with the new worldwide 40 Metre
bandplan. The new frequencies are 7.047, 7.049 and 7.051 MHz. The new
activity center for AMTOR in Europe will be 7.042 MHz for direct
connections. For more information visit www.amtor.de.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline