RAC Bulletin 2009-03-23
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 21, 2009
1. New BC/YK Regional Director
Bill Gipps, VE7ISV, has been elected as the RAC Director for the
BC/YK Region to complete the remainder of a two-year term that began
January 1, 2009, effective immediately. He was the only nominee.
The RAC president, board and executive welcome Mr. Gipps and thank
him for volunteering his services. RAC also extends thanks to past
directory Ed Frazer, VE7EF, for his years of service on the Board and
for his dedication and commitment to Radio Amateurs of Canada.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Spring Flood Outlook for Red River in Manitoba
Manitoba's Water Stewardship Department has advised that the
potential for Serious Spring Flooding for various areas of Manitoba
is mounting. Manitoba ARES has begun planning, continuing on the
success in supporting the Province in severe flooding that occurred
in Manitoba in 1997.
It appears right now that Winnipeg itself should not be too seriously
impacted. The focus of the upcoming meeting will be to ensure mutual
aid for affected areas south and north of Winnipeg, and to ensure
24x7 operation of key Command and Control facilities, including the
amateur stations at Public Safety Canada (VE4PSC) and Manitoba
Emergency Health (VE4MBH).
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. RAC Annual General Meeting Postponed
The Annual General Meeting of RAC members, scheduled for May 24,
2009, at Sorel-Tracy, Québec, has been canceled.
Presentation of an audited financial statement at the AGM is an
important and long established practice. Unfortunately, due to a
change to a new bookkeeping method, it is highly unlikely this
statement will be ready in time. It would have been unfair to the
RAC membership and the Québec Provincial Hamfest organizers to cancel
the AGM at the last minute, so it was deemed advisable to make this
decision now. See www.rac.ca/en/news for full details.
RAC has been looking forward to the Quebec venue for the AGM and
deeply regrets the need for this decision. Another venue for the
required 2009 AGM is being sought and will be announced as soon as
it is known.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. OPN to Remain at 4 PM
By general consensus, the Ontario Phone Net NCS operators have
decided to retain the current 4:00 pm EDT start time, for two
reasons. First, we have only two liaison stations to Second Region
Net, our NTS outlet, and we would lose one if OPN moves to 7 pm.
Second, the later Second Region Net is a CW net, so new liaison
stations would need to be CW-capable.
-- Glenn Killam, VE3GNA, Ontario STM
5. Iroquois Flea Market
The Iroquois Amateur Radio Club will hold its Thirteenth Annual Flea
Market on Saturday, April 4, at the Iroquois Civic Centre, located on
the South West corner of Elizabeth Dr South and Dundas St. Open to
the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on 145.290 (-) repeater. Admission is
free. For more information email ve3kyg (at) gmail.com
-- RAC Events Database