RAC Bulletin 2009-03-28
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 28, 2009
1. Amateur Radio Direction Finding Coordinator Needed
Radio Amateurs of Canada is seeking an interested Radio Amateur to
volunteer as the Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) Coordinator
for Canada.
ARDF is the sport of finding radio transmitters while on foot, using
a radio receiver, map and compass in diverse, wooden terrain. The RAC
ARDF Coordinator's job is to promote the development of this sport
and work with ARDF Coordinators in other International Amateur Radio
Union (IARU) countries to organize competitions and activities.
As the current ARDF Coordinator's term has come to an end, a
replacement is required. Interested Radio Amateurs should contact
the RAC Corporate Secretary via email at ve9glf (at) hotmail.com. For
more information about ARDF, please visit the RAC web page at
-- Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, RAC President
2. Popular TCA Columnist Becomes Silent Key
Radio Amateurs of Canada sadly reports the death of Catherine Helen
Hrischenko, VE3GJH.
Author of the YL column in The Canadian Amateur magazine for over 25
years, Cathy died peacefully at her home on Friday, March 20,
surrounded by her husband George, VE3DGX, and her family, after a
fight with cancer.
The RAC Board and Executive extends heartfelt condolences to Cathy's
family and friends.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. ARES Activated for Manitoba Flooding
Serious ice jams on the Red River north of Winnipeg have caused
several communities to declare state of emergency. East St. Paul,
West St. Paul, St. Andrews and St. Clements were all being impacted
by rising water.
Dave Place VE4PN, EC for St. Clements advises that ARES is now active
in that rural municipality and is staffing the municipal EOC. Recent
reports advise that the ice jam has broken and water level in hardest
hit areas have dropped 1 meter but the area is still at risk.
Due to the rapidly changing conditions, Manitoba EMO has advanced
their planned opening of the Provincial EOC. Jeff Dovyak, VE4MBQ,
DEC Capitol Region advises that Winnipeg ARES is providing staffing
to the Manitoba EMO radio room as of Thursday March 26.
City of Winnipeg EOC is planned to be active and the radio room
staffed by ARES radio operators effective Monday March 30th.
-- ARES-Alert Bulletin
4. CANWARN Training April 14 through 16
CANWARN training will be offered in the following locations this
Sarnia, April 14th, 7 PM, at the Kinsmen Centre, Oakroom Room, 656
Lakeshore Road, Sarnia.
Windsor, April 15th, 7 PM, at the Caboto Club, 2175 Parent Avenue,
London, April 16th, 7 PM, at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 1150
Wellington Road, London.
Kitchener-Waterloo, April 16th, 7 PM, at the University of Waterloo,
Carl A. Pollock Hall Room 1346, 200 University Avenue West,
Waterloo. Please note that there is a charge for parking this year
of $3.00 in the University of Waterloo parking lots (bring your
loonies and two-nies).
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada