RAC Bulletin 2009-04-04
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 4, 2009
1. New DEC for Severn District
ARES Ontario is pleased to announce the appointment of Russ Hemphill,
VE3FI as the new DEC for the Severn District effective April 01,
2009. Russ will plan and develop emergency communications for
Haliburton, the Kawartha Lakes, and also assist other ARES Officials
at Peterborough and the adjacent Loyalist District.
The recruitment of several new members from the Severn District is
underway and will insure a new level of ARES activity in this
picturesque region of Ontario.
-- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC
2. CANWARN Training April 18 and 20
CANWARN training will be offered in the following locations this
Hamilton, April 18th, 9 AM, at the Nash Auditorium, Wilcox Building,
Chedoke Hospital, Sanatorium Road, Hamilton.
Peterborough, April 20th, 7 PM, at the Peterborough Public Library,
325 Aylmer St. N, Peterborough.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
3. Durham Region Hamfest
The North Shore ARC and South Pickering ARC will hold the 33rd Annual
Durham Region Hamfest on Saturday, April 18, at the Iroquois Park
Recreation Center, on Victoria Street at the corner of Henry Street
in Whitby. Open to the public at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VE3SPA repeater
147.375 (+), no tone required. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
4. Ontario QSO Party
The 11th Annual Ontario QSO Party will be held on the the third full
weekend of April, from 1800Z April 18 to 0500Z April 19, and 1200Z
to 1800Z April 19. Amateurs outside Ontario contact as many Ontario
stations as possible; Ontario stations make as many contacts as
possible both within Ontario and world-wide. For rules and
information visit cco.ve3xd.com/oqp/
-- Ontario QSO Party Web Page
5. April 18 is World Amateur Radio Day
On April 18, 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union was founded,
and each year on April 18 we celebrate World Amateur Radio Day. In
2009, the theme of the event is "Amateur Radio: Your Resource in
Disaster and Emergency Communication."
The next Global Simulated Emergency Test (GlobalSET) will also be
held on this day, from 1100-1500 UTC. The HQ Stations of all IARU
Member Societies have been invited to participate in this exercise.
Individual stations wishing to participate need to register through
their IARU International Emergency Communications Coordinator. More
information can be found in PDF format at tinyurl.com/dh4mho (Delta
Hotel Four Mike Hotel Oscar)
-- ARRL Web