RAC Bulletin 2009-04-11
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 11, 2009
1. Renewed Memorandum between RAC and Red Cross
A renewed Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the
Radio Amateurs of Canada Inc. and the Canadian Red Cross Society.
Replacing the original 1994 agreement, the MOU updates details and
clarifies the role played by Amateur Radio and in particular the RAC
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) in time of disaster or other
events requiring emergency communications.
The MOU may be viewed in both official languages at
www.rac.ca/fieldorg/download.htm under the heading "ARES Documents".
All Radio Amateurs involved with emergency communications should
become familiar with the document in order to facilitate cooperation
between the two signing organizations.
-- Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, RAC President
2. Brit Fader Scholarship Call for Applications
The Brit Fader Scholarship, established in 1993 by the Halifax
Amateur Radio Club, provides assistance with the cost of tuition,
room, board, books and/or other fees for post-secondary education.
This Scholarship will be provided for attendance at an accredited
Canadian post-secondary technical school, college or university, with
preference given to applicants who have been accepted into a program
in the field of electronics or electrical engineering.
Applicant must be a citizen of Canada, but without regard to gender,
race, national origin, or handicap status. Applicant must be
performing at a high academic level, and must hold an active
Canadian Amateur Radio license. Application submissions must be
postmarked no later than July 15th, 2009. Download the application
package from www.halifax-arc.org
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Emergency Frequencies Declared for Italian Earthquake
An earthquake that registered between 5.8 and 6.3 magnitude struck
L'Aquila, the capital of Italy's Abruzzo region, about 104 km
northeast of Rome, early Monday morning. News reports say the quake
has killed more than 90 people, with at least 50,000 left homeless.
According to cluster spots, 7045 Khz and 3640 kHz are being used as
emergency frequencies, so please keep these frequencies clear.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. OPN Moves Back to 7 pm
Effective Sunday April 12, 2009, the Ontario Phone Net (OPN) returns
to its customary 7 pm local time slot. As a result, the net needs
additional voice operators to check into the Second Region Net (2RN)
at 6:30 pm for inbound traffic.
Outbound traffic will be carried to the Cycle 4 net at 7:45 by VE3GNA
at first, and by others once they are deemed ready for CW net
We urge other amateurs in the Ontario Section to join us as regular
liaisons to Second Region. Interested parties please contact either
the net manager Bob Sharp, VA3QV or the Assistant NM Glenn Killam
VE3GNA. Both can be reached on the web at .
-- Bob Sharp VA3QV OPN Net Manager, via Glenn Killam VE3GNA
5. CANWARN Training April 25 through 29
CANWARN training will be offered in the following locations this
Sudbury, April 25th, 9:30 AM, at the Lionel E. Lalonde Centre, 239
Montee Principale, Azilda.
Orillia, April 26th, 9 AM, at the Ontario Provincial Police
Headquarters Auditorium, 777 Memorial Avenue, Orillia.
Markdale, April 29th, 7 PM, at the Agricultural Services Centre, 206
Toronto St. South, Markdale.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada