RAC Bulletin 2009-04-25
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 25, 2009
1. RAC Canada Day Contest
This is a reminder that he 2009 edition of the Canada Day Contest is
will be held on July 1. For more information please download the pdf
file with the rules at: www.rac.ca/service/contesting
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Laurentian Net needs liaison stations
The Laurentian Net is looking for amateurs who are willing to serve
as liaisons between the Laurentian Net, daily at 6:45 p.m., 3755 kHz,
and the Ontario Phone Net, daily at 7 p.m, 3742 kHz. Please contact
Shawn, VE3PSV, via NTS message or Saturdays on the Laurentian Net, if
you are able to help out any day of the week.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, Laurentian Net Manager
3. Sault Ste. Marie CANWARN Training
CANWARN training will be offered in Sault Ste. Marie on Monday, May
11th, at 7 PM, at the Waterfront Inn, 208 St. Mary's Drive, Sault
Ste. Marie.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. Smiths Falls Flea Market
The Rideau Lakes Amateur Radio Club will hold its 25th Annual flea
market on Saturday, May 9, at the Smiths Falls Youth Arena, corner of
Cornelia St. and Elmsley St. in Smiths Falls. Open to the public at 9
a.m., talk-in on VE3RLR repeater 147.21 (+). No charge for youths 16
years and under. For more information see www.falls.igs.net/~rlarc
-- RAC Events Database
5. Email Callsign Search
Visually impaired hams who have difficulty accessing the QRZ.com
website may find it easier to look up callsigns by email. Send an
email to lookup (at) qrz.com, leave the subject line blank, and in
the body of the message just type "lookup" (one word) followed by the
call sign, all on one line with no punctuation or other text. Within
a few minutes you should receive an email reply with the information.
-- Hap Holly, KC9RP, via Handi-Ham News