RAC Bulletin 2009-05-30
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Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 30, 2009
Date: Monday, June 01, 2009 5:30 PM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for May 30, 2009
1. London Vintage Radio Club Flea Market
The London Vintage Radio Club will hold its Outdoor Flea Market on
Saturday, June 13, in the east side parking lot of Hammond
Manufacturing Co. 394 Edinburgh Rd. N., Guelph. Open at 7 a.m. to
vendors and the public. As a bonus, the Hammond Museum of Radio, at
595 Southgate Drive, will be open from 11AM to 3PM. For more
information visit lvrc.homestead.com
-- RAC Events Database
2. Fessenden Radio Day Special Event
On Sunday, June 14, from 1500 to 1900 UTC, a special event station
commemorating Reginald Fessenden will be operated from the Brome
County Historical Society Museum, 130 Lakeside Sreet, Knowlton (Lac
Brome), QC. SSB operating frequencies will be 3.775, 7.075, 14.175,
and 21.250 MHz. CW operating frequencies will be 25 kHz up from the
band edge. For museum information visit tinyurl.com/ob2ttl (Oscar
Bravo Two Tango Tango Lima)
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. N8O 6-metre Special Event
From June 13-15, N8O will operate 'portable caboose' from Jefferson,
Ohio, celebrating the 25th anniversary for the Ashtabula Carson &
Jefferson Railway. N8O will operate from 1800 to 0300 UTC, FM on
52.525 and 51.500 MHz, SSB on 50.3 and 50.2 MHz. Send QSL requests
to N8OFS, PO Box 517, Jefferson, Ohio, 44047.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. IRCs Expire End of 2009
The current "Beijing 2" series of International Reply Coupons (IRCs)
will expire on 31 December 2009. The new "Nairobi" series of IRCs is
due to go on sale on July 1st and will be valid until December 2013.
Make sure you redeem all your old IRCs by the end of the year!
-- RSGB News