RAC Bulletin 2009-06-06
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Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 6, 2009
Date: Saturday, June 06, 2009 1:27 PM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 6, 2009
1. Canadian Hams in Geneva
Two Canadian Hams, Ken Pulfer, VE3PU and Bryan Rawlings, VE3QN are
attending a WRC preparatory meeting in Geneva. Ken is there
representing the IARU while Bryan represents RAC on the Industry
Canada delegation.
In the Plenary session May 27th, Paul Rinaldo, W4RI, representing the
ARRL on the US Delegation, anounced his retirement after 19 years as
a Working Group Chairman. Subsequently, Canada nominated and the
Plenary approved Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, as Paul's replacement.
RAC wants to congratulate Ken and wish him the best in this new
important position.
-- Daniel A. Lamoureux, VE2KA, RAC VP International Affairs
2. Public Consultation on 2200m Allocation
Industry Canada has announced a public consultation on proposed
revisions to the Canadian Table of Frequency Allocations - Gazette
Notice DGTP-003-09, available on-line at tinyurl.com/mms8rh
(Mike Mike Sierra Eight Romeo Hotel).
This proposal contains 17 changes, including one proposal to make a
secondary allocation to the amateur service in the 135.7 - 137.8 kHz
band. The Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) will be submitting
comments on the entire proposal, and RAC Vice-President Industrial
Liaison Norm Rashleigh, VE3LC, will be on that RABC working group.
RAC will also submit separate comments on this particular item. The
comment period closes August 10, 2009, after which all comment will
be posted on the Industry Canada web site.
-- Richard Ferch, VE3KI/VE3IAY, RAC VP Regulatory Affairs
3. AO-51 for Field Day
Satellite AO-51 will be configured for Field Day with dual
repeaters, 1268.700/435.150 and 145.920/435.300. No PL tone is
required. Please note that the 435.150 downlink is left hand
circular polarized, and the 435.300 transmitter is right hand
circular polarized. This configuration will be available for the
week preceding Field Day, through the Field Day weekend (June
-- AMSAT News
4. "Listening In" now free on-line
"Listening In," the publication of the Ontario DX Association, has
made the switch to web-based content. All columns formerly contained
in the magazine are now free downloads, as PDF documents. Most of
our Listening In columns are now posted on www.odxa.on.ca (click the
"Listening In" link). A few, still to be reformatted, will
be added soon.
-- Harold Sellers, Managing Editor
5. New version of MULTIPSK released
PSK data enthusiasts will be pleased to learn that a new version of
the popular data modes software MULTIPSK has been released. The new
version of this popular freeware can be downloaded from web site
f6cte.free.fr. It includes a number of enhancements including new
experimental PSK modes for HF.
-- RSGB News