RAC Bulletin 2009-06-20
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 20th 2009
1. RAC members at CITEL Ottawa meeting
From June 2nd to 5th, over 100 delegates from countries of the
Americas gathered for a CITEL PCC.II meeting, preparatory to the 2011
World Radio Conference. Almost every item on the WRC Agenda was
discussed, to find common ground that would be supported by the CITEL
countries. Amateurs were represented by Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA, and
Dario Jurado HP1DJ for the IARU Region 2. Jon Siverling WB2ERA was
on the USA delegation and Ken Pulfer VE3PU, Bryan Rawlings VE3QN
and Jim DEan, VE3IQ were on the Canadian delegation. for more
information see www.rac.ca/en/news/bulletins/2009/21/
RAC Bulletin Service
2. Manitoba hams win exemption on Bill 5
Manitoba amateurs have won a very important exemption and amendment
taht specifically excludes all two way radio use from Bill 5 of the
Highway Traffic Act in Manitoba. The exemption reads that the bill
does not apply to radio apparatus operated under the authority of a
Radio Operators Certificate issued under the Radio Communications Act.
This welcome news and information will be forwarded to the MTO and to
Hon. Transportation Minister Bradley for Ontario. It is expected that
similar legislation will be adopted by the Ontario Legislature to
protect the public service value of amateur radio operations while
driving in Ontario.
- Bob Gammon, VA3RX, Ontario ARES SEC
3. Canada Day Contest July 1
The annual RAC Canada Day Contest will run from 0000 to 2359 UTC on
July 1st 2009. Bands to be used are 160, 80, 40, 15, 10, 6 and 2
meters, CW and phone. Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or
territory; VE0's and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial
number. Complete rules, in English and French, are available as PDF
files at www.rac.ca/en/rac/programmes/contests/
- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM
4. French Radio Amateurs' Handbook
The 2009 "French Handbook" written by F6BCU is now available for free
download, for the private use of individuals and radio clubs. The
four files total 455 Megabytes of information, including historical
and homebrew articles...all in French of course. Download it at
Southgate ARC News