RAC Bulletin 2009-07-11
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Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 11, 2009
Date: Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:50 AM
RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 11, 2009
1. Request for RTTY/Digital Operators' Comments
The DX Advisory Committee has been asked by the ARRL Programs
and Services Committee to comment on how the DXCC program
might be updated to accommodate digital modes other than RTTY.
For example: Should there be a separate DXCC award for digital modes
other than RTTY? Should this be a general award for Digital Modes or
should there be multiple awards be available? Should such awards be
endorsable by band? Or should the status quo be retained, with all
digital modes feeding into the RTTY DXCC?
Any Canadian Amateur who wishes to comment on the above is asked to
send an email to John Scott, VE1JS, RAC's representative to the DXAC,
ve1js (at) ns (dot) sympatico (dot) ca. Please send any comments
before August 31, 2009.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Garry Jacobs elected Alberta SM
Alberta Section has a new Section Manager in the person of Garry
Jacobs, VE6CIA. Garry ran unopposed and therefore no balloted
election was necessary. He began a two-year term on July 1,
succeeding past Section Manager Tom Martens, VE6TRM. RAC extends
congratulations to Garry and sincere thanks to Tom for the sense of
responsibility and dedication displayed by both.
-- Doug Mercer, VO1DTM, RAC Vice President Field Services
3. International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend
Internaional Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW) will be held on
August 15 and 16, starting at 0001 UTC on Saturday and finishing at
2359 UTC on Sunday. The purpose is to promote public awareness of
lighthouses and lightships and their need for preservation and
restoration. It's not a contest -- lighthouses and lightships are
encouraged to make contact with any amateur radio stations worldwide.
For more information visit www.illw.net
-- via RSGB News
4. Submitting Bulletin Items
Amateur Radio groups in Ontario that wish to announce upcoming
events, or report on their activities, are invited to send brief
items to the Official Bulletin Manager email address,
obm (at) ve3rhj.net.
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM