RAC Bulletin 2009-07-25
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Subject: RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for July 25, 2009
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009 8:30 AM
1. New Release of ExHAMiner
An Advanced question bank has been added to the complement of files
available for use with ExHAMiner, RAC's free amateur radio exam
simulation software. As with the Basic qualification, explanations
have been added to the bank and partial exams on specific chapters
are possible.
Concurrently, a new version of the program has been released. Major
changes include control over the default font, a resizable window and
an optional simplified layout for blind users relying on screen
reading software. See the ReadMe file which ships with the program
for details. A full description of the program appeared in the
March/April 2007 issue of The Canadian Amateur (p. 63).
The download address has changed to
www.rac.ca/en/amateur-radio/beginner-info/exhaminer/ Also on that
page, you'll find a selection of diagrams that got lost when RIC-3
replaced the previous RIC-24.
-- Bob Cooke, VE3BDB, President, Radio Amateurs of Canada
2. Not In My Backyard
What should you do when a neighbour writes a letter to the editor, or
to council, complaining about your plans to put up an antenna
structure? Peter West, VE3HG, offers some useful advice on the RAC
blog. Visit racblog.wordpress.com and scroll down to July 17th, or go
directly to tinyurl.com/mqf6u2 (Mike Quebec Foxtrot Six Uniform Two)
-- RAC Blog
3. Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, Silent Key
Legendary CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, passed away Friday,
July 17 after a long illness. He was 92. Cronkite anchored the CBS
Evening News for 19 years until 1981 when he retired.
Cronkite, an ARRL member, narrated the 6 minute video "Amateur Radio
Today," available at www.arrl.org/ARToday/ . In 2007, ARRL Hudson
Division Director Frank Fallon, N2FF, presented Cronkite with the
ARRL President's Award for "long-term dedication to the goals and
objectives of ARRL and Amateur Radio."
-- ARRL Bulletin Service
4. Passport to World Band Radio "in limbo"
Lawrence Magne, publisher of the "Passport to World Band Radio," has
announced that the 26th edition of this shortwave listening book is
"being held in limbo." For now, they are continuing to maintain the
WorldScan database and proprietary material, should conditions allow
publication to be resumed.
-- ARRL Web