RAC Bulletin 2009-09-05
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for September 5, 2009
1. EmComm East, October 3rd
EmComm East is an ARRL-sanctioned amateur radio emergency
communications conference. It will be held on Saturday, October 3,
2009, in Rochester, New York. Presentations include such topics as
running a successful exercise, applying ICS to ARES, Winlink, APRS,
and more. For more information, visit www.emcommeast.org
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
2. FAR Scholarships Announced
Each year, the Foundation for Amateur Radio awards scholarships to
licensed amateurs who are pursuing a full-time course of studies
beyond high school. The 2009 awards have been announced, and one
Canadian ham is among the recipients. Congratulations to Brendan
McDonald VA3BJM, of Dryden, Ontario, who won the Jacobsen-Kelleher
Family (W3DUG-W4ZC) Scholarship. For the complete list of scholarship
winners, visit www.farweb.org
-- via HandiHam News
3. EmComm Monthly
EmComm Monthly is a free on-line newsletter devoted to amateur
emergency communications. You can subscribe for monthly email
delivery, or read the current issue and back issues on the web.
Visit www.emcomm.org and follow the links in the left column.
I recommend that anyone who is seriously interested in emergency
communications subscribe to this very informative newsletter.
-- Glenn Killam, VE3GNA
4. ARISS Contact with Nova East Star Party
On Saturday, August 22, an Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station (ARISS) contact took place between the Nova East Star Party,
and Robert Thirsk, VA3CSA, on the ISS. Four hundred people witnessed
the contact as Thirsk answered the 18 questions posed to him. Bell
Aliant was present to record the event.
The Nova East Star Party, sponsored by the Royal Astronomical Society
of Canada, Halifax Center, is Atlantic Canada's oldest and largest
Star Party which draws both professional as well as amateur
astronomers from the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Eastern Ontario and
the New England States. The focus of the event is public outreach
and education.
-- AMSAT News
5. Help Needed For AMSAT Publications
AMSAT-NA needs two volunteers to assist with publishing efforts.
The AMSAT Journal needs a person who can provide translation from
German to English, to translate updates from AMSAT-DL. English to
German translations would also be helpful.
The weekly AMSAT News Service has an opening (or two) for an editor
to take on news gathering and reporting work. This is a rotating
position shared with 3 existing editors so your ANS duty would occur
approximately once every 4 weeks.
If you can help please contact AMSAT VP User Services, Gould Smith
WA4SXM via email, wa4sxm (at) amsat (dot) org.
-- AMSAT News