RAC Bulletin 2009-10-10
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for October 10, 2009
1. Military Radiolocation System to Operate on 70 cm
Industry Canada has authorized the Department of National Defence to
use a digital system called Enhanced Position Location Reporting
System (EPLRS) on the 430-450 MHz band. Canadian amateurs use this
band on a no-protection, non-interference basis. The EPLRS is
similarly authorized, which means that no new restrictions will be
imposed on Canadian amateur operations in this band.
There is a slight potential for interference to amateur radio
systems, typically in the form of a minor audible clicking noise. If
you encounter such interference, please report it to RAC via email,
regulatory (at) rac (dot) ca. Please report the geographical
location, date, time, frequency and mode being used by the amateur
station, and a description of the interference.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Jamboree-on-the-Air
October 17 and 18 will mark the 52nd worldwide Scouting Jamboree on
the Air (JOTA). Held the third full weekend in October each year,
this is the premier operating event for Amateur Radio and Scouting
around the world.
Officially designated Scout frequencies for SSB are 3.690, 3.940,
7.090, 7.190, 14.290, 18.140, 21.360, 24.960, 28.390, and 50.160 MHz.
For more information visit www.scout.org/jota or
-- ARRL Web
3. York Region Hamfest
The York Region Amateur Radio Club will hold its 33rd hamfest on
Saturday, October 24, at the Markham Fair Grounds, 10801 McGowan
Road, just north of Elgin Mills Road, in Markham. Open to the public
at 9 a.m.; talk-in on VE3YRA repeater, 145.350 (-). For more
information visit www.yrarc.com
-- RAC Events Database
4. Toronto Open Source Week
Toronto has prolcaimed October 24-30 as "Toronto Open Source Week."
Several events are scheduled, beginning with the Ontario Linux Fest
on Saturday October 24. For a full list of events, visit
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM
5. Lambton County Club offering US Ham Exams
The Lambton County Radio Club is sponsoring an ARRL-affiliated
Volunteer Examiner team, which will be authorized to administer exams
in Canada for all three classes of U.S. Amateur Radio licences.
This is offered to Canadian citizens or permanent residents who would
like to obtain a U.S. licence without traveling across the border.
You must have a mailing address somewhere in the United States where
you can receive US domestic mail.
Exam sessions are scheduled for Saturday, December 5th, 2009 as well
as Saturday, January 23rd, March 27th and May 22nd, 2010, at the
Sarnia Police Headquarters Training Room, 555 North Christina Street
North, in Sarnia. Pre-registration is REQUIRED and absolutely NO
"walk-ins" will be accommodated. All sessions will begin promptly at
2:00 PM. For more information contact Keith Baker via email, va3ksf
(at) rac (dot) ca.
-- Keith Baker, VA3KSF, President, Lambton County Radio Club