RAC Bulletin 2014-06-07
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for June 7, 2014
1. VE9IM Appointed ARISS Representative
RAC is pleased to advise that Ian MacFarquhar VE9IM will be our RAC
appointment as the ARISS regional representative. He will replace
Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA.
"Mr. MacFarquhar has been Vice President, supervised the successful
insurance program and has been a pillar in RAC for longer than he
cares to remember," says Geoff Bawden VE4BAW, RAC President.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. Field Day 2014 is soon!
Field Day is June 28-29. Whether your focus for the event is an
Emergency Preparedness Display, a Public Service Demonstration or
just an excuse to get on the air, the main thing is to have fun.
Contact your municipality for support, your news crews to cover the
event, and invite your government leaders to drop by.
This is also a great time to recruit new Hams, or encourage just-
licensed Hams to join you to get their "feet wet," experiencing for
the first time the thrill of having the world at their fingertips.
And why not place some RAC membership forms on your Public
Information table?
-- RAC Bulletin Service
3. Oakville CANWARN Training
CANWARN training will be offered on June 24, at 7 PM, at the Halton
Region Administration Building, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville. Please
RSVP by email to geoff.coulson (at) ec.gc.ca if you plan to attend
this session.
A reminder: if you know of any repeaters that are used in your area
for CANWARN weather events, please email Ward Kennedy, ve3wgk (at)
hotmail.com, with the frequency, known PL tone and call sign.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada
4. ARES Day at Radioworld
On Saturday June 21, 2014, between 1000 and 1500 hours Eastern Time,
Radioworld and RAC Ontario South Director Rod Hardman VE3RHF will
host "ARES Day at Radioworld". This event will focus on the future
of ARES through seminars and demonstrations. Learn about Broadband-
Hamnet MESH networks, the Winlink Hybrid Radio Email Messaging
System, the Narrow Band Emergency Message System, and more. View
displays of mobile and portable stations. Meet with the GTA Section
Manager George Duffield, VE3WKJ and Ontario-South Section Manager Ian
Snow, VA3QT to learn how you can contribute your technical knowledge
and operator skills towards a new world-class Auxiliary
Communications capability. For more information, contact either
ve3wkj (at) rac.ca, or va3qt (at) rac.ca.
-- Ian Snow VA3QT, Ontario South SM
5. SPROUT Microsatellite Launched
SPROUT is a 7 kilogram microsatellite launched on May 24th from the
Tanegashima Space Center in Japan to a 406 mile high sun synchronous
orbit. This satellite is a project of Nihon University and includes
CW telemetry, an FM digipeater, a digitalker and message box, and
live and preloaded Slow Scan TV pictures. The Morse telemetry can be
found on 437.525 MHz while the downlink for the Slow Scan TV and the
Digitalker is at 437.600 MHz. For more information visit
-- Amateur Radio Newsline