RAC Bulletin 2014-07-12
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for July 12, 2014
1. Ontario South SEC Appointed
Effective 9 July, Scott Carter, VE3CGN has been re-appointed as
ARES Section Emergency Coordinator for Ontario South Section, for a
two-year term. Scott was previously SEC for Ontario South until
health issues prompted him to step down. Scott now advises that his
health issues are under control, and he is keen to resume as SEC.
Please join me in extending best wishes to Scott as he continues to
regain his health, and give him your full support.
-- Ian Snow, VA3QT, CEC, SM Ontario South
2. OPN Seeks Relay Stations
The Ontario Phone Net (OPN) is currently seeking stations to carry
radiogram traffic to, and bring radiogram traffic from, Ontario
municipalities and other radio nets. No special qualifications are
required. Merely check into the OPN, any evening at 7 pm Eastern on
7.065 MHz, and inform the net control station that you have traffic,
or can accept traffic for some destination. For further information
contact Shawn VE3PSV on-air during the OPN.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, OPN Net Manager
3. Transatlantic 2m Success
The "Brendan Quest" team has been successful in its record-setting
attempt to send a 2 metre signal across the Atlantic from its
location in Pouch Cove, Newfoundland. On July 6 at 1341 UTC, G4SWX
in the U.K. was able to completely decode an FSK441 transmission from
VC1T. As of July 10 the team has not yet completed a two-way QSO.
-- ARRL Web and CBC News
4. New NAQCC Great Lakes Net
The North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC) is pleased to announce that a
new slow-speed CW net is being held Thursday evenings, at 9 PM
Eastern, starting July 10. The net will meet on 7.117 MHz +/- QRM,
and the Net Control Station will be David, KC8AAG.
The NAQCC is open to any licensed radio amateur or shortwave listener
worldwide with at least some interest in CW/QRP operation. For more
information visit the web site, www.naqcc.info
-- via Paul, N8XMS, NAQCC Club Manager
5. UKube-1 Launched
On July 8, UKube-1 was successfully launched and deployed from the
Soyuz-2-1B/Fregat-M launch vehicle. UKube-1 is a 3U cubesat and
carries a FUNcube educational beacon and linear transponder. Beacon
signals were heard soon after launch by the UKube team at 19:16 UTC.
Frequencies in use by UKube-1 include:
* 145.840 Primary telemetry downlink CW or 1k2-9k6 BPSK
* 145.915 FUNcube-2 telemetry 1k2 BPSK
* 145.930-145.950 FUNcube-2 transponder downlink, 435.080-435.060
* 2401.0 S-band downlink (QPSK-OQPSK)
* 437.425-437.525 myPocketQub spread spectrum
For recent updates, visit funcube.org.uk and www.amsat-uk.org.
-- AMSAT News