RAC Bulletin 2014-11-01

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 1, 2014

This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin




1. Getting Started on Six Metres

Looking for something new to try? Dr. Ron Milliman, K8HSY has written
an article called "Getting Started on Six Meters". Many new rigs
include this band, and it's not quite like any other amateur band.
Find the article at tinyurl.com/start6m

-- Handi-Ham News

2. ICQ Ham Radio Podcast

The ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast is a free fortnightly
radio talk style podcast by and for amateur radio operators. A
"podcast" is an audio program intended to be downloaded from the
Internet for listening on an iPod or other personal audio player.

Each episode of the ICQ Podcast reviews the current news,
and discusses a technical feature and the hobby in general.
Find it at www.icqpodcast.com

-- via Ham Radio Daily

3. 100 Years of Amateur Radio

Speaking of podcasts, the SPN Special: 100 Years of Amateur Radio
features Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV, at the ARRL Centennial as he conducts
some excellent interviews. It's aimed at explaining amateur radio
to a non-ham audience. The hour-long podcast is a free 51 megabyte
download from SeroTalk at tinyurl.com/ham100years.

-- Handi-Ham News

4. Mexican Hams Install Winlink Emcomms

A three year program in Mexico to fund Winlink gateways for
emergency communications was completed recently with the installation
of four HF Winlink gateways. Each system is configured with an ICOM
7200, SCS Dragon Pactor modem, and battery back-up. All gateways run
Pactor and WINMOR 1600. The sites also have packet radio ports for
training and local use.

Since Mexico is allowed auto-forwarding and Pactor 4 operation, all
the gateways participate in the Winlink Hybrid Network, offering
radio-only message transport in the event of Internet failure, and
MPS (Message Pickup Station) delivery.

-- ARRL ARES E-Letter

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.