RAC Bulletin 2014-12-06
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for December 6, 2014 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS 1. RAC Canada Winter Contest The annual RAC Winter Contest will be held from 0000 to 2359 UTC on Saturday, December 27. Operate CW and phone on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 and 2 metres. Stations in Canada send RS(T) and province or territory. VEØs and stations outside Canada send RS(T) and a serial number. For more information visit tinyurl.com/rac-contests -- RAC web page ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 2. Japanese Deep Space Launch On December 3rd, Japan successfully launched its Hayabusa 2 mission into deep space, to Asteroid 1999 JU3. With it are two Amateur Radio satellites, Shin’en 2 (Abyss 2) and ARTSAT2:DESPATCH. The launch had been postponed twice owing to unfavorable weather conditions. For more information, including frequencies, visit tinyurl.com/mtu32fy (Mike Tango Uniform Three Two Foxtrot Yankee) -- ARRL Web 3. The early days of amateur radio on the farm The Canadian Cattlemen magazine has republished an article on amateur radio from the March 1948 edition. The article "Calling CQ--Calling CQ" was written by Slim Marsden VE6BM and sought to promote amateur radio to Canadian ranchers and farmers. Find it online at tinyurl.com/farm-ham -- Southgate ARC News 4. HamCollege Pilot Episode Ham College is a show for those new to the hobby and those wishing to get into Amateur Radio. We'll help you study for your Amateur license exam and cover topics to get you up to speed and having fun. If the pilot turns out good and draws enough interest, this show will be coming in 2015. You can find the hour-long episode at www.hamcollege.tv -- Southgate ARC News 5. Free Electronics DIY Tools EDN Magazine has published a list of the "Top Free Do-It-Yourself Software Tools Every Electrical Engineer Needs." It includes many calculators, circuit simulators, computer-aided-design, and more. Find it at tinyurl.com/eediytools -- ARRL Contest Update This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.