RAC Bulletin 2015-04-04
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for April 4, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 1. 39th Annual Durham Region Hamfest Sponsored by : North Shore Amateur Radio Club and South Pickering Amateur Radio Club When : Saturday, April 18, 2015, Vendors 07:30, Public 09:00 - 13:00 Admission : $7. 12 and under free. Talk-in : VE3SPA 147.375+ (103.5 Tone) Location : Pickering, Ontario : Take Brock Rd Exit, North to Hwy 2, West to Valley Farm Road, Turn south towards Hamfest (Pickering Recreation Centre) Website : http://www.durhamregionhamfest.com or on facebook "Durham Region Hamfest" Tables (pre-registration only) see the website for pricing and for bookings. 2. Canwarn training - for Week of April 19th to 25th April 21 – 9 AM – Windsor – Windsor-Essex Health Unit - 1005 Ouellette, Windsor, Room 1A Boardroom, April 21 – 1 PM – Windsor - Windsor-Essex Health Unit - 1005 Ouellette, Windsor, Room 1A Boardroom, registration for the above two sessions through https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/storm-spotter-training-registration-15848853347 April 21 – 7 PM – Tilbury – Knights of Columbus Hall - 20 Dupuis St, Tilbury April 22 – 7 PM – Sarnia – Sarnia Yacht Club - 1220 Fort St, - RSVP to bhoad@xcelco.on.ca April 23 – 7 PM – London – Fanshawe College - Room T1003, Building T, 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd, free parking in any metered spot after 6 PM Unless specified otherwise, please RSVP to canwarn.ontario @ ec.gc.ca if you plan to attend. ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. BENCHER PRODUCT LINE SOLD TO VIBROPLEX The Bencher amateur radio product lines have been sold to Vibroplex, LLC of Knoxville, Tennessee. This includes Iambic, single lever, Hex and Mercury Paddles, and Hand Keys. Vibroplex says that it will continue to offer Bencher products through existing marketing channels. It has also agreed to honor the manufacturer's warranties of all covered products, and to offer parts and support for these products as well. Vibroplex may be contacted at www.vibroplex.com (Vibroplex news release) 4. NEW HAM-ORIENTED DATA NETWORKING FIRMWARE FOR THE LINKSYS AND UBIQUITI PRODUCTS Broadband-Hamnet has released version 3.1.0 firmware for the Linksys WRT54G and Ubiquiti families of products. This firmware returns to the use of patch updates, while also supporting add-on tools such as HamChat created by Nikolai Ozerov, VE3NKL and a tunneling solution optimized by Darryl Quinn, K5DLQ. Many Hams were concerned about future Broadband-Hamnet support of the Linksys units. The core team has listened to these concerns and has decided to continue support of Linksys devices. For more information, see www.Broadband-Hamnet.org 5. IARU EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS GUIDE AVAILABLE ONLINE The International Amateur Radio Union's Administrative Council has approved the publication of an IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide. This handbook was developed to provide the IARU member societies with materials suitable for training their members to participate in emergency events. It is also designed to guide the individual amateur to enhance their ability to participate in these events or to simply have a better understanding of the process. The publication can also be used in to train radio operators in the basic theory and practice of handling emergency communications traffic. You can find it at iaru.org/emergency-telecommunications-guide.html. This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.