RAC Bulletin 2015-04-25
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for April 25, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 1. Rideau Lakes Amateur Radio Club's 31st Annual Flea Market When: Saturday, May 9, 2015 - Vendors 07:00, Public 09:00 Where: Smiths Falls, Ontario - Smiths Falls Curling and Squash Club, Old Sly's Road. Cost: $5.00 (includes a door prize ticket), under 16 free. Talk-In VE3RLR on 147.21 MHz+ Description: Our 31st Annual Flea Market includes; -a large number of Commercial and Private Vendors -a Canteen -a Consignment Table -a Test Table Email contact: ve3rlr @ gmail.com Webpage: http://ve3rlr.dyndns.org 2. Canwarn training - Week of May 10th to May 16th. May 12 – 7 PM – Toronto – Environment Canada Headquarters, 4905 Dufferin St May 12 – 6:15 PM – Cornwall – Cornwall Public Library, 45 Second St E May 13 – 7 PM – Dufferin County – Dufferin County Museum 936029 Airport Rd in Mulmur (Highway 89 and Airport Road) May 16 – 9:30 AM – Belleville – Belleville Public Library, 254 Pinnacle Street please rsvp if you plan to attend to canwarn.ontario @ ec.gc.ca ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. GLOBAL AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY CONFERENCE CANCELLED The ARRL reports that the sponsors of the 2015 Global Amateur Radio Emergency Conference or GAREC 2015 have announced that the event has been cancelled due to a lack of interest. GAREC 2015 registrations were too few, and the decision was largely financial. GAREC was set to mark its 10th anniversary this June in Tampere, Finland, where the first GAREC was held. 4. Is your Icom radio genuine? The "3D GENUINE Icom label" is attached to the models listed below. If the label is not attached to the radio when you purchased it, the radio is probably counterfeit. The labels have been attached to radios manufactured after October, 2013. The labels are attached to: IC-V80, IC-U80/L, IC-V82, IC-V88/U88, IC-G80, IC-80FX, IC-2300H, IC-V8000 IC-F1000/F2000, IC-F16/F26, IC-M23/M24. IC-M304, IC-M411/412. More information is available at http://www.icom.co.jp/world/genuine-info/ This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.