RAC Bulletin 2015-05-09
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 9, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS 1. RAC is pleased to announce that RAC Directors, Executive members and other volunteers will be in Southern Ontario to meet with members and other amateurs. Come and see what your national society is up to and provide your input. The public session is on the evening of May 23rd hosted by the Mississauga and Peel Amateur Radio Clubs. **Time and location to be announced.** Please put a placeholder in your busy schedule to come and attend. Feel free to question and challenge the volunteers of the society that represents amateurs to your regulator and to the world. Thanks to the Mississauga and Peel Amateur Radio Clubs for their support in helping to create an opportunity for amateurs to meet and discuss issues of regional and national importance. Geoff VE4BAW ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 2. Canwarn training - Week of May 24th to May 30th. May 24 – 1 PM – Espanola – Pinewood Inn – 378 Centre St May 25 – 6:30 PM – Sault Ste. Marie – Essar Centre , Angelo Bumbaco Room, 269 Queen St E May 26 – 6:30 PM – Timmins – Timmins Fire Hall, 133 Cedar St South May 27 – 6:30 PM – New Liskeard – College Boreal, 280 Armstrong St N May 28 – 6:30 PM – North Bay – OPP Regional Headquarters - Cathy Burns Training Room - 911A Gormanville Road 3. Ontario is marking the 20th anniversary of Emergency Preparedness Week by officially unveiling the new Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC). The centre co-ordinates the Ontario government's response to major emergencies while also serving as a key resource for municipalities and First Nations that require provincial assistance. Staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with emergency management experts, the new centre features an 82-seat operations room, which includes a 21-metre-wide wall display that gives a real-time view of emerging emergencies. The screens can show up to 20 feeds from data, image, or video sources, such as traffic camera systems, social or broadcast media. This year's theme for the 20th annual Emergency Preparedness Week -- Know the Risks, Reduce them Together, promotes emergency preparedness for those living in multiple unit apartment buildings, condominiums, and seniors residences. Emergency preparedness is especially important for seniors or people with disabilities who might have difficulty coping with power outages, severe weather and other emergencies. Quick Facts •Ontario will use the hashtags #EPweek #ONready to promote preparedness on Twitter and Facebook. •The new Provincial Emergency Operations Centre is located within the Forensic Services and Coroner's Complex in the Downsview area of Toronto. -- EMO website ITEMS OF INTEREST 4. Extra second to be added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) A bulletin advises authorities an extra second will be introduced to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) during the final minute, of the final day of June. That means that right after the clock hits "23h 59m 59s," it will strike "23h 59m 60s" UTC. Another way to think about it: Instead of 86,400 seconds we normally experience in a day, we're getting 86,401. This "leap second" system started in 1972, so our clocks stay in sync with how long it takes the Earth to rotate on its axis. "Leap seconds ensure that, on average, the Sun continues to be overhead on the Greenwich meridian at noon to within about one [second]." IERS already has added 25 leap seconds to Coordinated Universal Time -- most recently in June 2012. Leap seconds can only be added in June and December. -- INTERNATIONAL EARTH ROTATION AND REFERENCE SYSTEMS SERVICE (IERS) This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.