RAC Bulletin 2015-07-11
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for July 11, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 1. CANWARN Training Summary for 2015 Geoff Coulson reports "Across the province, just shy of 1500 people came out this year. Of that total, about 500 were first time attendees, so the overall number of spotters in the database now rests at around 6500. Also for those of you interested in learning more about Weatheradio, a CANWARN volunteer of long-standing, Gord Maybee, has been producing a Weatheradio Newsletter for the last little while. If you’d like more information about the newsletter, please feel free to contact Gord at blindgordie@gmail.com Keep your eyes to the sky and feel free to report occurrences of severe storms that you may experience." -- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada ITEMS OF INTEREST 2. AM transmitters switched off in Germany Radio Magazine reports on the shut down of two German AM broadcast transmitters on July 6. While there is general gnashing of teeth regarding some countries plans (or lack thereof) to shut down their FM networks, there seems to be no equivalent with respect to plans on shutting down AM medium-wave stations. At 2 a.m. local time, July 6, both of the WDR (West German Radio) MW transmitters were turned off for good. Funds thus saved will be re-allocated for DAB+ radio. The transmitters were in Langenberg (720 kHz @ 63 kW) and Bonn (774 kHz @ 5 kW). The programs that had been transmitted via the two AM stations are already available via the internet, over DAB+, satellite radio, and on local cable systems. -- http://www.radiomagonline.com/trends/0004/wdr-will-switch-off-mw-stations-reallocate-funds-for-dab/36701 3. Satellite Made "on the Cheap" Closing in on 2 Years in Orbit and Still Ticking At just a few months shy of turning 2 years old, the Amateur Radio “PocketQube” microsatellite — also known as Eagle 2 (MO-76) — is still operating, although it’s not entirely well either. The satellite, which transmits on 437.505 MHz at a power of 100 mW, may be heard using a handheld transceiver, but it does not include a transponder. The tiny satellite actually was constructed from about $250 worth of parts and measures just 5 × 5 × 7.5 cm and weighs 210 grams. One of the builders said the power situation on board continues to deterioriate, the satellite requires 3300 mV for the transmitter to fire up. “we never really thought it would last this long. We would have been happy if it just worked, and really happy if it lasted a month or two." -— Full story available on ARRL.org in the news section. 4. From the Project Bin (RTTY keyer) .. If you are considering Tinyfsk for FSK transmit with 2Tone decoder, all you need is an Arduino Board, a 2N2222 and 1K resistor to drive the FSK TX port on your transmitter. After you get it working, you might want to put it in a little metal box for RFI protection. For the full article see: http://www.frontiernet.net/~aflowers/tinyfsk/ or google "tinyfsk arduino" This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.