RAC Bulletin 121117

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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for November 17, 2012


1. VE3KZ appointed to Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Robert Nash VE3KZ of Milton, ON, who has been
appointed to the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. The
appointment recognizes an amateur for outstanding achievement for
sustained service to amateur radio in Canada, or amateur radio at
large. Bob will be presented with this award in Toronto in early
2013, at which time a more detailed summary of his contributions to
amateur radio will be published in The Canadian Amateur magazine.
-- RAC Bulletin Service


2. Frontenac "Sandy" Report
On Monday, October 29, the Frontenac EmComm group activated for
Hurricane Sandy. The evening before, the ARES EC in Watertown NY
checked in to our net to coordinate plans, and an email was sent out
to our members. A listening watch began at 0800 local Monday on
VE3FRG, VE3KBR, and Watertown repeaters, and the National Hurricane
Center HF frequencies. A digital network was also set up. All of
this was reported to the county CEMC. Winds in Frontenac County
peaked at 86 km/hour, and when it was clear that worst weather had
passed, the group shut down at 2200 local. Our thanks to all who
participated, and stood by ready to assist.
-- via Bill Nangle VE3CLQ

3. Prince Edward "Sandy" Report

On October 29, Prince Edward County ARES had eight members with
backup power standing by: two HF/VHF home stations for relay, and
five mobiles. The Belleville Red Cross station was jointly staffed
by Hastings and Prince Edward ARES, and had three operators standing
by from early Monday. ARES EC Doug Monk, VE3ZDG, contacted Prince
Edward County officials to notify them of our status. ARES members
remained active from 2000 local time Monday to 0800 Tuesday.

-- via Doug Monk, VE3ZDG


4. Weather Transmitter Wanted in Minden
The Minden Amateur Radio Club is lobbying for an Environment Canada
weather station to be installed in the Minden area. Club President
Dorian Young, VE3YBG, says that there have been two weather
emergencies in the past few years -- a massive snowstorm and a wind
storm -- and "with Minden hosting the Pan Am Games in 2015 it would
be a wonderful addition to have a weather transmitter in the area."

Since the Algonquin Park weather radio went off the air, Minden's
closest transmitter is in Orillia. Addressing the club via
conference call, Denis Paquette of Environment Canada said it
typically takes two years to find a location and install a new
transmitter. Visit tinyurl.com/minden-weather-radio for more.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline

5. PRISM available for Amateur Radio AX.25 Packet

The Japanese PRISM satellite has been opened up for use by radio
amateurs. The satellite was built by the University of Tokyo and
launched on January 23, 2009 into a 660 by 670 km orbit. It uses
AX.25 packet radio and can now be used by amateur radio operators as
a store-and-forward message box. For more information, visit
-- Southgate ARC News