HAM-Ex 2013 Brampton
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HAM-Ex 2013 in Brampton is this coming Saturday, March 23. VE3YO, VE3GMG, VA3BDR and I are headed down. There are 2 spots available if anyone wants to come. I leave my place about 0400ET, pick up Howard and Bruce at Howard's place 0435ET-0440ET and then on to Timmy's, Lakeshore and Marshall to pick up Gerry and grab coffee/breakfast. We leave Timmy's 0500ET. If you would like to join us, drop me a line and I'll reserve a seat or, meet us at Timmy's. There is an eyeball lunch at Swiss Chalet after the hamfest and we should be back in the Bay by 1600ET (+/-). It is a lot of fun and you don't have to buy anything to have a good time. 73/Drew VE3MAF ve3maf@gmail.com