RAC Bulletin 130323
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 23, 2013
1. Ontario East Seeks SEC
Effective immediately, Scott Carter, VE3CGN has resigned as the
interim Section Emergency Coordinator for Ontario East Section.
Scott is stepping down so he can fully focus on the growing ARES
activities in Ontario South Section.
I wish to thank Scott for being the acting SEC, giving me time to
settle into my job as SM. Finding a good SEC with experience and
dedication is no easy task and I appreciate the help that Scott has
given this Section. With that said, I will be looking for someone to
become the SEC for Ontario East Section.
-- Michael Hickey, VE3IPC, Ontario East Section Manager
2. Iroquois Fleamarket
The Iroquois Amateur Radio Club will hold its 17th Annual Fleamarket
on Saturday, April 6, at the Iroquois Civic Centre, 1 Dundas Street,
in Iroquois. Take exit 738 Off highway 401. Open to the public at 9
a.m., admission is free. Talk-in on VE3IRO repeater, 145.290. Email
inquiries to va3nc@rac.ca.
-- RAC Events Database
3. Young Ham of the Year Nominations Open
Nominations are now open for the 2013 Amateur Radio Newsline Young
Ham of the Year Award. The award recognizes a radio amateur age 18
or younger for his or her accomplishments in service to the nation,
his or her community, or to the advancement of the amateur radio
state of the art. Nominees must reside in the United States, U.S.
possessions, or any of the 10 Canadian provinces.
Complete details, rules and a required nominating form in PDF format
can be found online at www.arnewsline.org/yhoty. Nominations must be
received by May 30, 2013.
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
4. "Modern Amateur Radio" video
Modern Amateur Radio is the title of a new, bi-lingual video produced
by Donald Boucher, VE2XT. Boucher, who owns a video production
company in Montreal, put the show together in full wide screen High
Definition and it includes some truly breathtaking aerial footage of
the Canadian countryside.
What makes Modern Amateur Radio unique is its international flavor.
While the narration is in English most of the natural sound
background conversations are in French. You can see it for yourself
at tinyurl.com/modern-amateur-radio
-- Amateur Radio Newsline
5. PSK-31 Code Accepted by ITU
The code behind the popular PSK-31 digital mode has now been
officially endorsed by the International Telecommunication Union and
given its own "recommendation" number. The ARRL reports that the
technical characteristics of "Varicode," developed by Peter Martinez,
G3PLX, in the 1990s and which serves as the underpinning of PSK-31,
has been officially enshrined by the ITU as Recommendation ITU-R
M.2034, Telegraphic Alphabet for Data Communication by Phase Shift
Keying at 31 Baud in the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services.
-- CQ News Service