RAC Bulletin 130316
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for March 16, 2013
1. RAC Field Organization meets with Industry Canada
Following up on last year's Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board
meeting, RAC recently met with Industry Canada in Ottawa. During the
meeting RAC described the Field Organization Review Project and our
Training Working Group. Industry Canada presented an outline of their
District Emergency Telecommunications (DET) emergency telecom
organization. They also explained their initiatives relating to use
of their HF radio system, voice and digital for exercises, regular
drills and emergencies. IC expressed an interest in building on
their interactions in this area with RAC members.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. IARU GlobalSET
This is a reminder that this year's IARU GlobalSET takes place April
13 and April 20. If you plan to participate, please note that you
must register by contacting the RAC Vice President of Field Services,
vo1dtm (at) rac.ca. This is a great opportunity to practise your
traffic passing skills.
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM, RAC VP Field Services
3. GLETN Time Change Update
Effective March 10th, the Great Lakes Emergency and Traffic Net is
holding its main net at 8:30 pm, Eastern Time. The "pre-net" will
start at 8 pm. GLETN meets on 3.932 MHz, 365 nights a year. All
amateurs are welcome.
-- Grant Watson K8VFZ, via Shawn VE3PSV
4. Nominations Open for ARRL Awards
Nominations are now open for the ARRL Technical and Educational
awards. The nomination deadline for most of these awards is March
31st. For more information, and nomination forms, visit
-- ARRL Web
5. Canadian DMR C-Bridge Launches
On February 23rd, Canada took its first step toward the creation of a
national amateur radio DMR network with the launch of the first
inter-provincial DMR networking server. This server, known commonly
as a "c-Bridge," will serve as a network hub for Canadian amateur
radio DMR repeaters, allowing them to reliably link to one another
and to the larger DMR-MARC global network using the Internet.
The Canadian c-Bridge is located in Montreal and is currently
supporting several DMR repeaters in Ontario and Quebec, including the
VA3XPR digital DMR repeater located in downtown Toronto. For more
information see tinyurl.com/dmr-c-bridge
-- via Ham Radio Daily and eHam.net News
6. Canadian ARISS Contacts
On February 22, an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
(ARISS) contact was made with with participants at Uplands Elementary
School, Penticton, BC. The contact began at approximately 19:36 UTC
and lasted 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact was a telebridge
between OR4ISS and IK1SLD.
On March 7, an ARISS contact was completed with the Stonepark
Intermediate School, Charlottetown, PEI. The contact was direct
between NA1SS and VY2PEI.
-- AMSAT News Service