RAC Bulletin 130406
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for April 6, 2013
1. Ken Pulfer VE3PU, Silent Key
J. Kenneth Pulfer, VE3PU, of Ottawa, passed away Sunday, March 31
after a long illness. He was 80. Pulfer has served as RAC's
Secretary, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President for Government
Affairs, and Vice President for International Affairs. In 2009
Pulfer became Chairman of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector's Working
Party 5A Working Group 1, which addresses Amateur and Amateur-
Satellite services. He served as an IARU Technical Representative
for 15 years, culminating with the 2012 World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC-12). For more details, visit tinyurl.com/ve3pu-sk
-- ARRL Web
2. Ontario East seeks SEC
The Ontario East Section is looking for a Section Emergency
Coordinator (SEC). The candidate should have previous experience as
a District Emergency Coordinator (DEC), but consideration will be
given to an experienced and dedicated Emergency Coordinator (EC) who
understands the bigger picture of ARES.
This position requires a self-motivated and personable ham with
leadership skills and administrative abilities. If you are
interested in this position, please contact Section Manager Michael
Hickey, ve3ipc (at) rac.ca, or telephone 613-679-4474.
-- Michael Hickey, Ontario East Section Manager
3. Durham Region Hamfest
The South Pickering ARC and North Shore ARC will hold their annual
hamfest on Saturday, April 20, at the Pickering Recreation Complex,
1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering. General admission at 9 am; talk-in
on VE3SPA repeater 147.375 (+) no tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
4. 2013 Ontario QSO Party
The 16th Annual Ontario QSO Party will be held from 1800Z April 20 to
0500Z April 21, and 1200Z to 1800Z April 21. Stations outside
Ontario contact as many Ontario stations as they can. Ontario
stations contact as many amateur radio stations as possible both in
Ontario and world-wide. For rules, county multipliers, and more
information, visit www.va3cco.com/oqp
-- Contest Club Ontario
5. Orangeville Basic Course
The Dufferin County ARES group will hold a Basic Amateur
Qualification Course starting April 22 at the Edelbrock room, 30
Centre Street in Orangeville. The course will run Monday from 7 to 9
pm for 10 weeks, with the Industry Canada exam on the last week. For
more information, email Jason Miles, ve3tyg (at) rac.ca
-- RAC Events Database
6. CANWARN Training April 27
CANWARN training will be offered on April 27 at the following
Orillia, 9 AM, at the Rama Fire Hall, 7454 Williams Road in Rama.
Ottawa, 9 AM, at the Nepean Sailing Club, 3259 Carling Ave. in Nepean.
Please RSVP by email to canwarn.ontario (at) ec.gc.ca with the
session you plan on attending.
-- Geoff Coulson, Environment Canada