RAC Bulletin 130824
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 24, 2013 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 1. Ottawa Hamfest The Ottawa Amateur Radio Club will hold its 17th annual Hamfest on Saturday, September 7, at the Carp Agricultural Fairgrounds, 3832 Carp Road, in Carp. The event is in the W. Erskine Johnston Arena at the north end of the fairgrounds. General admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE2CRA repeater, 146.940 (-), 100 Hz tone. For more information visit www.oarc.net/fleamarket -- RAC Events Database 2. EmComm East EmComm East, the U.S. east coast amateur radio emergency communications conference, will be on Sunday, September 29th, at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York. This year's featured guest speaker will be the ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B. Amateurs within driving distance of Rochester are encouraged to attend (take your passport)!) Previous year presenters include Ontario-East Section Manager Mike Hickey VE3IPC, on the Deployable Mutual Aid Plan, and Ontario-South Section Manager Ian Snow VA3QT, on an ARES Qualification Proposal. For more information visit www.emcommeast.org -- Amateur Radio Newsline 3. U.S. MARS "High Pressure Test" On August 3-4, U.S. Army MARS and Air Force MARS underwent a high-pressure nationwide test. The six hour drill evaulated performance of the volunteer radio operators under heavy traffic conditions, relaying encrypted data between individual members in the 50 states and the headquarters station at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. The scenario called for breakdown of normal channels, including cell phones and the Internet, with MARS and other unspecified military assets replacing essential circuits MARS, the Military Auxiliary Radio System, is a Department of Defense unit for specially-trained Amateur Radio operators who volunteer their skills and equipment to support government communications when normal channels are disrupted. Separate branches exist for the Army, Air Force and Navy-Marine Corps. -- ARRL Web 4. Manuals for Chinese Rigs One complaint about inexpensive Chinese ham rigs is their user manuals. The Radio Documentation Project is working to produce high-quality, in-depth, open-source manuals for Chinese-built handhelds. The first one completed is for the Baofeng UV-5R dual-bander. Download the free PDF at tinyurl.com/new-uv5r-booklet You can also find information, Frequently Asked Questions, and software, for Baofeng handhelds at www.miklor.com -- CQ News Service and Handi-Ham News 5. Introductions to Contesting If you need a presentation on getting into contesting, here are two. Rick N6XI has a web page on "Radio Contesting" at tinyurl.com/n6xi-contesting. Kirk K4RO has a PDF file of a PowerPoint presentation, "Contesting 101," that would be suitable for presentation to a club -- find it at tinyurl.com/k4ro-contesting. -- ARRL Contest Update