RAC Bulletin 130831
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for August 31, 2013
1. DXCC Suggestions Wanted
The ARRL Board has directed the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC) to do a
comprehensive review of the DX Century Club (DXCC) Rules. This has
not been done for at least ten years.
As your representative on the DXAC I need to hear your views. Please
advise me as soon as possible of anything in the DXCC rules that
concerns you. I will do my best to bring your concerns to the
attention of the rest of the committee. Contact me by email at ve1js
(at) ns.sympatico.ca
-- John Scott, VE1JS, RAC DX Advisory Committee Representative
2. Alberta ARES Members Commended
On July 27, 2013, Alberta ARES members met to debrief following a
four day Emcomm deployment during the recent Alberta floods.
In attendance to present each member with a RAC Public Service
Honour roll and Public Service Commendation was RAC Regional
Director for AB/NWT/NU, J.T. Mitchell VE6OH. For a list of
recipients and a group photo, visit blog.rac.ca
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM/VO1DM, RAC Chief Field Services Officer
3. 2013 RAC Simulated Emergency Test
This year's national Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is now scheduled
for October 19, 2013 due to a conflict with Thanksgiving on October
12. Please visit the RAC website for details.
Groups are encouraged to hold their SET on any weekend that is
convenient. [See next item.]
-- RAC Bulletin Service
4. 2013 Ontario Simulated Emergency Test
The Ontario SET is scheduled for October 26. An SET scenario will
be issued in early September when planning is complete.
One requirement this year will be to send a "Declaration of
Emergency" letter, on behalf of your municipality's Head of Council,
to a simulated Provincial EOC Duty Officer. Any method of delivery,
including email, is acceptable provided that an amateur radio link is
used at some point. A sample letter will be included in the SET
scenario, but we recommend that ARES Group Coordinators meet
immediately with their Community Emergency Management Coordinator to
draft a letter more specific to your municipality.
-- Ontario Section Managers Council
5. Kingston Hamfest
On Saturday, September 14, the Kingston Amateur Radio Club, and the
Military Communications and Electronics Museum, will hold their
annual hamfest, at the Communications Museum, 95 Craftsman Blvd., in
Kingston. This is about 1 km east of Hwy.#15. General admission at
9 am; talk-in on VE3KBR repeater, 146.940 (-) 151.4 Hz tone. For
more information visit www.ve3kbr.com
-- RAC Events Database
6. Sudbury-Manitoulin Hamfest
On Saturday, September 14, the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club, with
assistance from the Sudbury Amateur Radio Club, will hold a hamfest
at the Garson Arena Community Hall, 100 Church St. in Garson.
General admission at 9 am; talk-in on 147.060 (+) 100 Hz tone. For
more information visit www.sudburyamateurradio.com.