RAC Bulletin 130622
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RAC Ontario Section Bulletin for June 22, 2013
This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin
1. Power Line Interference Contact Information
Industry Canada has just posted contact information to report Power
Line Radio Interference, at tinyurl.com/sf10641 (Sierra Foxtrot One
Zero Six Four One). The information is provided with the cooperation
of the Canadian Electricity Association, and covers all the major
Power Line companies in Canada. Please use this reporting
information when confronted with suspect power line interference.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. New Certified Emergency Coordinator
Congratulations are extended to Ken Long, VE7JU for successfully
completing his Certified Emergency Coordinator qualification exam.
All EC's, DEC's, AEC's are encouraged to complete this program of
study along with the IMS-100 and IMS-200.
-- Doug Mercer VO1DTM/VO1DM CEC, RAC Chief Field Services Officier
3. Operators Needed for VC2CGJCS
Le Club Radio Amateur de l'Estrie will be running the VC2CGJCS
Special Event station for the Canada Games from August 2 to August
17 in Sherbrooke, Quebec. QSL via VE2RAE.
As we are a small club, we are looking for operators to fill the
operating positions for the duration of the event. The location that
we will be operating from is air-conditioned and on-site. If you
need more information or if you want to volunteer, contact Daniel,
va2sch (at) gmail.com, or via telephone at 1 819 446 1190.
-- Daniel Schaller, VA2SCH
4. VOA Radiogram
The Voice of America is experimenting with sending digital text and
images via shortwave broadcasting. The broadcasts are transmitted
with AM, and so can be received by any inexpensive shortwave
receiver. The schedule is
Saturday 1600-1630 UTC 17860 kHz,
Sunday 0230-0300 UTC 5745 kHz,
Sunday 1300-1330 UTC 6095 kHz, and
Sunday 1930-2000 UTC 15670 kHz,
all via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
Reception reports are welcome.
Visit their web page, www.voaradiogram.net, for more information
about the software required. The free Fldigi program, as well as
MixW, MultiPSK, DM780, and EasyPal will work, with a simple audio
patch cable from the receiver output to your sound card input.
-- via VA3FAL, VA3ROM, and VE3GNA
5. Trusted QSL Software 1.14.1 Now Available
Logbook of The World users will be pleased to know that the new
Trusted QSL software is now available for downloading from the ARRL
Logbook of The World page,www.arrl.org/logbook-of-the-world
-- ARRL Web