RAC Bulletin 131116
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 16, 2013
1. SHARP 3.1 Successful Mission
RAC congratulates the students, volunteers, and teacher Robert
Streimer VE4SHS, at Shaftsbury High School in Winnipeg for a
successful launch of the Shaftsbury High Altitude Robotics Project.
The SHARP 3.1 helium filled balloon carried an assortment of sensors
plus four cameras to an altitude of 35,727 meters (117,214 feet).
RAC would like to recognize Bill Unger VE3XT for being instrumental
in assisting this event through a $500 community grant from RAC.
-- RAC Bulletin Service
2. OPN Seeks Net Controllers
The Ontario Phone Net is looking for additional net control
operators. The net meets every night, 365 days a year, at 19:00
Eastern Time, on 3745 kHz. If you would like to help out, please
contact Shawn VE3PSV on the Ontario Phone Net, or via NTS message.
-- Shawn Gartley, VE3PSV, acting net manager
3. Submitting Bulletin Items
Amateur Radio groups in Ontario that wish to announce upcoming
events, or report on their activities, are invited to send brief
items to the Official Bulletin Manager email address,
obm (at) ve3rhj.net. Items should be no more than twelve lines long,
and must be received by Wednesday for the next week's bulletin,
-- Brad Rodriguez, VE3RHJ, OBM
4. Philippines Emergency Response
In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, ham radio emergency communicators
in the Philippines are handling a large volume of vital message
traffic. The Ham Emergency Radio Operations (HERO) network is active
in the disaster areas and sending messages on 40 meters and 2 meters.
Cellular service is starting to be restored in hard-hit Tacloban, but
ham operations are expected to continue for another week. Outbound
traffic is being carried on 14.277 MHz, and amateurs not involved in
the relief effort should keep that frequency clear.
-- ARRL Web