RAC Bulletin 131123
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 23, 2013
1. Amateur Radio in Schools Does your school or college have an amateur-radio (ham radio) station, program or special project involving this fascinating hobby? If the answer is YES, Radio Amateurs of Canada would like to hear about it! Contact Vincent Charron, VA3GX/VE2HHH, RAC Director of Communications and Fundraising, via email, communications (at) rac.ca -- RAC Blog ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST
2. IOTA Special Event From December 2 to December 31, special event station VX3X will commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Islands on the Air (IOTA). QSL via VE3JO. -- RAC Special Events Database
3. FUNcube-1 Satellite in Orbit A Russian Dnepr rocket carried AMSAT-UK's FUNcube-1 and 18 other satellites to orbit at 0710 UTC on Thursday, November 21. Ground stations began receiving telemetry from FUNcube-1 soon after deployment and the satellite appears to be functioning normally. One of the satellites on the launch, UniSat-5, will deploy the CubeSats PUCP-SAT-1, HumSat-D, estar-2, Icube-1 and the PocketQubes Wren, Eagle-1 (BeakerSat), Eagle-2 ($50Sat), and QB-Scout1. PUCP-SAT-1 will release a further satellite Pocket-PUCP. Additional Amateur Radio satellites on the launch include HinCube, ZAcube-1, First-MOVE, UWE-3, Velox-PII, CubeBug-2, Triton-1, Delfi-n3Xt, and GOMX-1. For a frequency list, see tinyurl.com/nov2013sats. Orbital elements for FUNcube-1 are available at tinyurl.com/funcube1. -- ARRL Web
4. 2013 Field Day Results Posted ARRL has posted the results of the 2013 ARRL Field Day. Less-than-ideal conditions this past June likely accounted for a slight drop in participation from 2012. Nonetheless, there were more than 2500 entries, and more than 35,500 people participated. Download the PDF file at tinyurl.com/fd2013results -- ARRL Web
5. BBC News Highlights Ham Radio The BBC's on-line "News Magazine" has a story about ham radio in the United Kingdom. "The Very Particular World of Amateur Radio" is a three and a half minute video reporting on the recent growth in licensing, and following the operation of the Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society as it took part in the an operating event from Astley Hall in the city of Lancashire. The video and accompanying text story can be found at tinyurl.com/BBC-news-ham-radio. -- Amateur Radio Newsline