RAC Bulletin 2014-02-08
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for February 8, 2014
1. VC3S Special Event
From March 1 to March 31, special event station VC3S
will commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Amateur Radio at the
Canada Science and Technology Museum. QSL via VE3OIJ.
-- RAC Special Events Database
2. Field Day Information Packet Available
Field Day 2014 is June 28-29, and ARRL Field Day information packet
is now available for download, at www.arrl.org/field-day. The PDF
file includes the complete rules, forms, Section abbreviation list,
entry submission instructions, guidelines for getting bonus points,
instructions for Get-On-The-Air stations, and a publicity kit.
-- ARRL Web
3. Tx-Factor online TV show
Bob McCreadie, G0FGX, Mike Marsh, G1IAR and Nick Bennett, 2E0FGQ will
be hosting a new streamed TV show, TX Factor, which goes live on
Friday 21 February. The show aims to explore all aspects of our
diverse and fascinating hobby. The free to view programme can be seen
via www.txfactor.co.uk and should be compatible with phones, tablets
and smart TVs.
-- RSGB News
4. Yasme Foundation Honors Nine
The Yasme Foundation has awarded its 2013 Excellence Awards to nine
hams who "have made a significant contribution to amateur radio."
They are: Tom Roscoe, K8CX, for his "Hamgallery" history
website; Lee Sawkins, VE7CC, for writing filtering software for the
DX Cluster spotting network; low-band authority John Devoldere,
ON4UN; a group of four hams who have helped make FCC database
information readily available - Michael Carroll, N4MC; Eldon Lewis,
K7LS; Dean Gibson, AE7Q, and Joe Speroni, AH0A; ham video producer
Ken Claerbout, K4ZW, and Ashraf Chaabani, 3V/KF5EYY, who is leading an
effort to bring individual amateur licensing to Tunisia, and serving
as a representative for amateur radio throughout northen Africa.
-- CQ News Service
5. dB for Free!
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation recently posted a
"webinar" by Hank Garretson, W6SX, on how to improve your antenna
situation. It's called "dB for Free! An Antenna Exercise for Little
Pistols", and is a 50-minute YouTube video. Find it at
-- via Glenn Killam, VE3GNA