RAC Bulletin 2014-02-01
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for February 1, 2014
1. GWEN Net Time Change
Ontario's Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) has changed the time
of its biweekly net. The net is now on the first and third Monday of
each month at 1930 ET, on 3607 kHz LSB, or near that frequency in
case of QRM.
The goal of GWEN is to provide communications in Southern Ontario and
throughout the Niagara Peninsula in the event of repeater failure.
The net uses 80 metre groundwave and vertical polarization for
reliable point-to-point coverage up to 100 kilometers. For more
information or to get involved, visit www.nparc.on.ca/gwen
-- via Peter Teminski VA3WET
2. Burlington Flea Market
The Burlington Amateur Radio Club will hold its Spring Fleamarket on
Saturday, February 22, at the Royal Canadian Legion, 828 Legion Rd.,
in Burlington. General admission at 9 am; talk-in on VE3RSB
repeater, 147.210 (+) 131.8 Hz tone. For more information visit
-- RAC Events Database
3. Canada Day Results Posted
Results for the 2013 Canada Day contest are posted on the RAC website
at www.rac.ca/en/rac/programmes/contests. Work on the certificates
and plaques will start in the coming weeks and certificates will be
sent out via email as in the last few years.
-- ARRL Contest Update
4. VE6 Canada Winter Contest video
Don VE6JY and crew operated as VE6RAC for the RAC Winter Contest.
Barry VA6DX has made a YouTube video of the event, including shots
of some up-and-coming young ops at this big station on the plains of
Alberta. Find it at tinyurl.com/ve6rac-13
-- ARRL Contest Update
5. Fifty-Dollar Sat
It has now been 2 months since the launch of Fifty-Dollar Sat
($50SAT) into its 625 km approximately sun-synchronous orbit, and as
of Tuesday January 21, it is still operating.
$50SAT is one of the smallest amateur radio satellites ever launched
at 5x5x7.5 cm and weighing only 210 grams. Transmitter power is just
100 mW on 437.505 MHz (+/-9 kHz Doppler shift) FM CW/RTTY. It uses
the low cost Hope RFM22B single chip radio and PICaxe 40X2 processor.
For more information visit www.50dollarsat.info
-- AMSAT News