1410 - NBARC October 8th, 2014 Meeting Notice
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The NBARC October 8th, 2014 meeting is upon us. It is this coming WednesdayOctober 8th, 2014 at the OPP RHQ Community Boardroom - 911A Gormanville Rd. North Bay. The doors will open about 1915ET (dependent upon when we finish dinner). Here is how to get there if you need it. http://www.ve3nbc.ca/content/meeting-location-2013.
The majority of this meeting will be devoted to discussing the Trillium Grant Application and the Emergency Communications Centre.
With respect to the above the Trillium Committee will be presenting the following:
The following motion will be presented to the October 8th, 2014 NBARC Meeting. Members should review the motion and be prepared to vote on the following motion regarding the Trillium Grant Emergency Communication Trailer,
“The NBARC Club supports and endorses the North Bay & Area Mobile Communications Centre and Emergency Response Unit Project. We also approve the completion of the application and the submission of the application to the Ontario Trillium Foundation.”
There will also be a short report on The Run off the Grid.
Dinner this week is at Boston Pizza. I will be making a reservation for 1800ET for 8.
73/ Drew VE3MAF