2016 Central Ontario Hamfest & Fleamarket
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ve3maf - 2015, January 19 - 17:15

Directions to location:Waterloo Regional Police Association Recreation Centre, R.R. 2, 1128 Rife Rd. North Dumfries Township
Beside Hwy 401, between Exit 275 (Homer Watson Dr) and Exit 268 (Cedar Creek Rd)
We recommend you enter via Exit 268 (County Road 97, Cedar Creek Rd)
Opening times: Vendors 7 am, Public 9 am to 12 noon
Cost: General Admission $7 (under 12 free)
Talk-in frequency: VE3KSR repeater on 146.970 (CTCSS 131.8) and 146.520 Simplex
switch to 146.520 and listen as above. Simplex will be used to bring people off the 401
Webpage: http://www.hamfest.on.ca"
2016/06/05 - 08:30