RAC Bulletin 2014-10-04
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 4, 2014 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 1. Dayton Hamvention Seeks 2015 Award Nominations The Dayton Hamvention is now accepting nominations for the 2015 Amateur of the Year, Special Achievement, Technical Excellence, and Club of the Year Awards. For descriptions of the four awards, and nomination forms, visit their web page, www.hamvention.org/awards.php The deadline for nominations is January 16, 2015. -- ARRL Web 2. World Space Week October 4 to 10 is World Space Week, proclaimed by the United Nations to recognize two important dates: the launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957, and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967. For more information on this event, visit www.worldspaceweek.org -- AMSAT News 3. Michigan VHF-UHF Society Being Reactivated Roger Cox, W8IO, is leading an effort to reactivate the Michigan VHF-UHF Society. The intent is to become an ARRL-affiliated club serving the entire state of Michigan. Details are still being discussed -- for the latest information, visit their web page at www.wb0dgf.com/MichiganVHF.htm -- Amateur Radio Newsline 4. Measuring Transmitter Noise We all check specs on receiver noise for HF rigs, but what about transmitter noise? Jim Brown, K9YC, has examined the noise transmitted in CW mode by a number of popular amateur radio rigs. Surprisingly, more expensive rigs are often the worst! You can see the results of his study on the web at k9yc.com/TXNoise.pdf -- Amateur Radio Newsline 5. Tim Allen now a Ham Actor and comedian Tim Allen now not only plays an Amateur Radio operator on television, he is one! Allen got his Technician license on September 4, but did not release the news until this week. In the weekly ABC sitcom "Last Man Standing," Allen's character Mike Baxter is a radio amateur, and the show has featured ham radio in some episodes. More than 2 dozen members of the show's crew -- and now Allen, its star -- have been inspired by the show to get licensed. -- ARRL Web This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.