RAC Bulletin 2014-10-11

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for October 11, 2014

This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of
Canada, with this week's bulletin


1. ARES ID Card Production

RAC is happy to report that the production of ARES Identification
cards is back to normal, and the backlog has been cleared. We
apologize for the delays during our transitional phase. Submit
requests on the RAC web site: wp.rac.ca/ares-id-card

Please note that as of January 1st 2015, a written confirmation of
eligibility by the applicant's EC (or person acting as coordinator
for ARES group) must be sent to the RAC office as part of the initial
process. Until then, RAC reserves the right to verify eligibility as
it deems necessary.

-- RAC Bulletin Service


2. Section Manager Vacancies

Ian Snow, VA3QT, and George Duffield, VE3WKJ, have stepped down as
Section Managers of Ontario South and Greater Toronto Area,
respectively. On behalf of Radio Amateurs of Canada, I thank Ian and
George for their many years of exemplary service.

Both of these positions are currently vacant. If you might be
interested in either position, please contact the RAC Office.

-- Geoffrey Bawden, VE4BAW, RAC President


3. ARRL Web Server Breach

Late last month, a security breach occurred, involving a web server
at ARRL Headquarters. ARRL IT Manager Mike Keane stressed that it is
highly unlikely that any sensitive information was compromised. But
the hacker may have been able to obtain site usernames and passwords
that were established prior to April 2010, and that have not been
changed since then. Members who have not changed their ARRL website
passwords since early 2010 should do so at this time.

-- ARRL Web

4. 630-Meter Special Event

With the opening of 472-479 kHz to Canadian hams this past May, we
will be able to participate in this year's Maritime Radio Historical
Society special event on 630 meters, from October 31 to November 2.
U.S. hams may participate by conducting cross-band QSOs. VO1NA in
Newfoundland, along with VE7SL and VE7BDQ in British Columbia, will
be transmitting on 630 meters (477.7, 473.0 and 474.0 kHz,
respectively), while listening for responses on 80 and 40 meters.
U.S. coast stations KPH and KSM will operate on 500 kHz.

-- CQ News Service

5. XMLog Logging Software

Want to do your logging with a computer? The venerable XMLog by
W1ECT is still available, at www.xmlog.com. It's free to use, and
accessible. It works on Windows 95 through Windows 7, and interfaces
with many radios, including all Kenwood models, the Elecraft K2 and
K3, a long list of Icoms & Yaesus, and many others.

-- Handi-Ham News

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.