RAC Bulletin 2015-05-16
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 16, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. HAM RADIO EFFORTS CONTINUE IN WAKE OF NEPAL EARTHQUAKE Ham radio continues to provide service to the people of Nepal in the wake of the devastating earthquake that hit last month. A second large quake hit this week in the northern part of Nepal. Operations are taking place on a number of frequencies in the 40, 20 and 15 meter bands with 9N1SP and 9N1AJ providing the Nepal end of the radio link. 9N3AA and 9N1SD have started operating from the hard to reach rural areas of Nepal. Other operators are reported on their way to other devastated regions with some expected to take to the airways by the time you hear this newscast. Also, a repeater donated by the group CAN-USA that had been held up by Nepal's customs is now released and ready for deployment. It will compliment the current 9N1KS 70 centimeter to 2 meter cross-band repeater set up in 2012. Many countries' radio amateurs remain active in the area as Nepal has very few licensed amateur radio operators, which is why hams from other countries have traveled to provide their help. -- Amateur Radio Newsline 2. Location of May 23rd Ontario Section RAC meeting announced. In conjunction with the semi-annual RAC Planning Meeting, the Mississauga Amateur Radio Club and Peel Amateur Radio Club are co-hosting a Public Meeting to give RAC members and interested radio amateurs an opportunity to meet members of the RAC executive and Board and consider RAC's activities and future directions. This open meeting will take place Saturday evening May 23 in the Quality Suites Toronto Airport Hotel from 7pm to 9pm. Those who cannot attend in person can participate in a webcast by registering with the RAC Office at rachq @ rac.ca The next RAC public meeting will be the Annual General Meeting in July at the Saskatchewan Hamfest in Martensville from July 3 to 5, 2015. More information is available at http://wp.rac.ca under the "news" banner. -- Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA - Director, North and East Ontario ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 3. Canwarn training - Week of May 31st to Jun 6th. June 2 – 7 PM – Oakville – 1151 Bronte Road – North Auditorium – due to construction parking will be on the north side of building only. - RSVP to bepreparedhalton@halton.ca ITEMS OF INTEREST 4. Explaining Standing Waves: When K0NR teaches the Technician License Class, he provides a simple explanation of Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) that emphasizes the concept of impedance matching. HamRadioNow just republished this video of an excellent standing wave demonstration by Bill Hays, AE4QL. Bill actually goes well beyond just standing waves and shows some antenna and transmission line theory as well. The first 35 minutes of the video explain standing waves. Posted by K0NR - follow the link at http://www.k0nr.com or Full link: http://www.k0nr.com/wordpress/2015/04/explaining-standing-waves/ This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.