RAC Bulletin 2015-05-30
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for May 30, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS 1. ALBERTA ARES REQUESTS NATIONAL USE OF 14.135 and 7.135 and 3.675 Fires in Alberta have resulted in the activation of Emergency Management Alberta and the subsequent activation of amateur radio assets. RAC requests that Canadian and US amateurs honour the request of Alberta ARES that priority be given to Alberta amateurs on 14.135, 7.135 and 3.675 in their support of the Alberta government during the emergency. Bill Boskwick, VE4BOZ (ve4boz @ rac.ca) RAC Chief Field Services Officer -- also see write up on arrl.org website. ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS 2. Canwarn training - Week of Jun 14th to Jun 20th. June 15 – 7 PM – Thunder Bay – Lakehead Region Conservation Authority – 130 Conservation Road June 16 – 7 PM – Fort Frances-Emo – Emo-Lavallee Community Centre – 78 Colonization Road, Emo June 17 – 1 PM – Kenora – Red Cross Office – 1008 Ottawa St in Keewatin, RSVP to kenora @ redcross.ca June 17 – 7 PM – Kenora – Red Cross Office – 1008 Ottawa St in Keewatin, RSVP to kenora @ redcross.ca June 18 – 7 PM – Dryden – Dryden Fire Services Training Room – 189 Colonization Ave S Unless otherwise indicated, please RSVP to canwarn.ontario @ ec.gc.ca 3. Fleamarket - London Vintage Radio Club Date : Saturday, June 13, 2015 Location: Hammond Manufacturing, 394 Edinburgh Road. Guelph, ON - East side of the parking lot. Times : 7AM for public and vendors alike. Cost : $10.00 for vendors, no charge to public Description: This flea market is an annual club event, held outdoors at Hammond Manufacturing Ltd in Guelph. Bring your own table. You will find antique and vintage radios, ham radio equipment, tubes, radio collectables, parts, magazines and all sorts of radio goodies for sale, trade etc. More info: Visit the club website. Google "London Vintage Radio Club" or "LVRC" Email contact: larry.asp @ sympatico.ca ITEMS OF INTEREST 4. Communications is ham radio group’s specialty The Kingston Whig-Standard reports that if something really bad happens in Frontenac County, there is a small group of volunteers who will try to make sure that at the very least, emergency services can talk to each other With about 22 members, the Frontenac Amateur Radio Group uses some high-tech gear to communicate with an almost century-old short wave radio method. And, in the event of a disaster, the group would be called upon to help co-ordinate relief efforts. Read the full story at http://www.thewhig.com/2015/05/25/communications-is-amateur-radio-groups-specialty Frontenac County Emcomm Group Website: http://fecg.ca/ This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.