RAC Bulletin 2015-06-06
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Jun 06, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS 1. RAC Comments on the ARRL proposed changes to HF Band Plans The ARRL published proposed changes to the U.S. HF band plan for comment in the April edition of QST. The RAC Band Planning Committee reviewed the proposals for potential impacts on Canadian Amateurs. The proposed changes increase the U.S. digital sub-bands by extending frequency limits upwards into segments normally used for phone communications outside the U.S. As Canadian phone operations in the 80m and 40m bands can take place below the current US phone sub-bands, the effect of the proposed changes would be to reduce the space available to Canadian Amateurs. On 40m and 20m, the proposed changes would also negatively impact DX phone operations throughout the Americas. RAC has formally communicated our concerns to ARRL with the request that they include these concerns in their consideration of any changes to the U.S. sub-bands. -- George Gorsline, VE3YV - RAC International Affairs Officer 2. New RAC Site is now operational RAC announces they have officially cut over to the Word Press based Radio Amateurs of Canada website. This site can be accessed via wp.rac.ca or www.rac.ca. The old site is no longer available. The webmasters are still moving content over from the old site as required. If there is a particular article from the old site that you cannot locate please email the webmaster and he will endeavour to port that content over to the new site. In the coming weeks we will be launching further enhancements to the site. -- Paul Burggraaf VO1PRB ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS -- NIL -- ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. Some DX to look out for over the next week: Jun 5 to 18th - Maldives - 8Q7CQ Jun 15 to 22nd - Cape Verde Islands - D4C 4. HEX-BEAM® Manufacturer Traffie Technologies Shutting Down Traffie Technologies, the Massachusetts-based family business that has pioneered and manufactured the HEX-BEAM line of compact rotatable wire beams, is closing its doors. The company’s principal, Mike Traffie, N1HXA, has indicated that he is open to having someone else take over the business. The small firm came into being in 1992, and HEX-BEAM antennas have been developed for 40 meters through 2 meters in various monoband and multiband versions. The company’s latest product is the HX5Bi, which covers 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meters. -- ARRL News This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.