RAC Bulletin 2015-07-04
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for July 4, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL NEWS 1. Defense of Amateur Radio Fund Donation. The Defence of Amateur Radio Fund (DARF) is pleased to announce a $10,000 donation from an anonymous ham. The donor noted that he based the amount on the projected costs to support the travel and living expenses of the RAC respresentative for the upcoming World Radio Conference in Geneva in November 2015. International Telecommunications Union World Radio Conferences are held every three or four years. Participation is very expensive, requiring almost a month’s stay in Geneva, one of the world’s most expensive cities. Canada is one of a small number of countries where a radio amateur is part of the official delegation. While Industry Canada (IC) is very supportive of having a RAC representative as part of Canada’s WRC delegation it does not provide any funding. The DARF Trust was established in 1992 to support travel expenses associated with a RAC representative at World Radio Conferences and related preparatory meetings to defend existing bands and work toward new amateur frequency allocations. -- George Gorsline VE3YV, RAC International Affairs Officer ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 2. 140,000 Thai amateur licenses invalidated The Thai National Broadcasting & Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has invalidated a total of 140,000 amateur radio licences which had been expired for more than two years Prior to the NBTC's action there had been over 248,000 amateur radio licenses in Thailand of which some 247,000 were for the Basic Entry Level licence. A reason for so few upgrading is because of the lack of exam sessions. No exams were held to upgrade to Intermediate between 2004 and 2012. -- http://www.qsl.net/rast/ 3. US NAVY-MARINE CORPS MARS PROGRAM TO END The US Department of Defense is phasing out the US Navy-Marine Corps Military Auxiliary Radio System or MARS program. Its operational mission will transition to the other MARS service branches (Army and Air Force) by the end of September. The Navy-Marine Corps MARS program also supports the US Coast Guard as well as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the US Department of Homeland Security, and local emergency management agencies. (US NAVY-MARINE CORPS, ARRL) 4. Pattern of Contact Padding Prompts Disqualifications, The CQ World Wide Contest Committee said this week that it plans to review all past contest logs, after its investigation revealed a pattern of routine QSO padding on the part of one top-scoring CQ World Wide Contest operator. This follows in the wake of the disqualifications of some two dozen 2014 CQ WW SSB contest operators in April, and another 30 contestants in the 2014 CQ WW CW event. "Radiosport competition is built on a simple foundation — the expectation that all contacts are made over the air and correctly logged,” the committee said. “Since operations are performed from the privacy of our stations and without supervision, we all trust that everyone is playing by the same rules.” As a result, CQ has disqualified UT5UGR’s entries in which they detected log padding and removed them from the official score database. In addition, any entry into a CQ-sponsored contest until July 2020 in which UT5UGR is the operator or listed as a participant will be reclassified as a check log. The CQ WW Contest Committee has announced that new log checking processes are being developed to improve the detection of log padding. “We intend to test these methods against all submitted logs from 2011-2014. If other entries are found to have added unverifiable QSOs, we will address them on a case by case basis,” CQ said. -- CQ Contest Committee. This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control.