RAC Bulletin 2015-09-19
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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 19, 2015 This is V__3____, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada, with this week's bulletin NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL NEWS 1. Russian military in 7 and 14 MHz Ham Radio bands The latest IARU Monitoring System newsletter reports Russian Military traffic in the amateur radio 7 and 14 MHz bands has increased. The Russian Navy has often been active on 14192.0 using mode F1B and the Russian Over The Horizon (OTH) radar in Gorodezh (near Nizhny Novgorod) has been causing strong interference daily. The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1 August 2015 newsletter can be read at http://www.iarums-r1.org/iarums/news2015/news1508.pdf Reports of Amateur Band intruders can be logged on the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Logger at http://peditio.net/intruder/bluechat.cgi -- SouthgateARC News 2. Norway becomes the first Country to shut down FM broadcasting. Norway will shut down FM radio in the country beginning in 2017, Radio.no reports. The Norwegian Ministry of Culture finalized a shift date this week, making it the first country to do away with FM radio entirely. The country plans to transition to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) as a national standard. Read more at theverge.com and search for Norway -- This week in Amateur Radio News ONTARIO SECTIONS NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST 3. Dipole and Inverted V Antenna Basics In this Youtube video Dave Tadlock KG0ZZ explains how dipole and inverted V antennas work and how to build an hf antenna. It includes tips for construction, mounting and tuning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyOWRTWdDKM or search youtube for "KG0ZZ dipole basics" -- SouthgateARC News 4. SolderSmoke ebook free on Amazon The SolderSmoke ebook in kindle format by radio amateur Bill Meara N2CQR/M0HBR is available for free download on Amazon. Bill Meara started out as a normal kid, from a normal American town. But around the age of 12 he got interested in electronics, and he has never been the same. SolderSmoke is no ordinary memoir. It is a technical memoir. Each chapter contains descriptions of Bill’s struggles to understand radio-electronic theory. Why does P=IE? Do holes really flow through transistors? What is a radio wave? How does a frequency mixer produce sum and difference frequencies? If these are the kinds of questions that keep you up at night, this book is for you. Soldersmoke on Amazon http://www.amazon.co.uk/SolderSmoke-Global-Adventures-Wireless-Electronics-ebook/dp/B004V9FIVW/ -- southgateARC News This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V__3____ returning the frequency to net control. ===================================================================== Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager Posted by: Paul Caccamo